Grab Bag of Bad Memory Anecdotes

So clearly my sleep machine hasn't improved my memory yet. I just realized that I've been calling and emailing my husband thinking that he's still in Baltimore (where he was last week) and thinking it's weird when he doesn't get back to me right away (because after all it's in the same time zone). I realized five minutes ago that he's actually in Japan. When people ask me where he is and I can't immediately remember if it's, say, Tokyo or Shen Zen or Germany or Italy, I usually just say "who cares, he's equally useless to me in Ohio or Okinawa", but usually I'm at least on the right continent.

Then I almost pulled one of these again, thinking I had to get my assignment done before I left to visit Zarah next Thursday and then realizing I was a whole week ahead of myself again and next Wednesday is the seventeenth, not the twenty-fourth. I'm thinking I might need to write a letter to myself every morning and put the date at the top. I've gotten so much better at writing stuff on the calendar, which helps NOT AT ALL if I keep reading the effing calendar WRONG.

The people who worked at the Tim Horton's in the On Route we stopped at on the way home from London were not great on remembering people's orders either. While we were standing there waiting for our order two other people opened theirs and complained that it was wrong. When we got ours, we checked to make sure there was the right number of sandwiches, but we neglected to unwrap them all and inspect them until we were back on the road. Fortunately, they got the kids' stuff right, but Matt and I had ordered two smoked ham and cheese panini on multigrain and, despite the fact that you'd think it was easier to make two things exactly the same, they gave us two different things - a smoked ham on white and a cheese only on multigrain. Angus said "I think if people order stuff for there they make an effort to get it right because they know they'll come back and complain, but if you order it to go they just stick a bunch of stuff in a bag."



StephLove said…
I keep wondering why B thinks there's time to do all the stuff she says we'll do this weekend, when we have a pumpkin patch trip planned (our pumpkin patch is an hour's drive from our house) then I remember that we're doing it next weekend, so the pumpkins don't rot before Halloween.

You are not alone.
Nicole said…
StephLove just reminded me I need to get pumpkins! Because it's almost Halloween! Aieee. What day is it again?
Ms. G said…
Don't feel bad. My SIL came by and I realized I had no idea where my husband was working and he was actually 2 miles away.
Amber Strocel said…
Tim Horton's is actually a relative newcomer here on the West Coast, so maybe they haven't worked out the kinks yet. Honestly, I avoid going there just because either the line-up is ridiculously long or they forget something on my order or they just kind of wander around aimlessly, taking their time while my kids jump up and down demanding their donuts. Maybe it makes me a bad Canadian, but geesh, how hard is it?

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