What We Have Here...
Angus has been bugging us for a few weeks to make him an appointment with Matt's university friend who is now an Ottawa dermatologist, for his face (which we don't think is that bad, but whatever). She had given us her office number and said she'd fit us in, but then SQUIRREL, and now it's a few months later and I couldn't find it. I emailed Zarah , who's in more frequent contact with her than we are, and asked if she had Jen's contact information. The next morning, I opened my ipad upstairs when I woke up and there was an email from Zarah with the pertinent details. I emailed back "Thank-you!" and went to shower. When I got downstairs and opened my computer, there was an email from Zarah that said this: Um...huh? So I looked at my original email below, and instead of "Thank-you!" it said: Oops! But still, what? Then I looked back at HER original email and saw this: So she thought I was correcting h