
Five For Friday

 1. ANGUS IS HOME. For a little bit, before he moves SUPER FAR AWAY, let's be in denial about that part. He's going to come camping to Sandbanks with us, which is good because Eve is not, for I think the first time since we started, and I think I would be sad to be there completely offspring-less. Angus loves camping in a way that Eve doesn't, which is totally fair because she has skin issues and gut issues that are invariably triggered by something at some point, and she's a trooper about it, but she loves the beach and the water. Often a group of us will go down to the beach at night and look at the stars and sit in the sand and maybe swim. One time a few years ago we did this and I walked up to Angus and he was being quiet and contemplative and saying this felt very therapeutic, and then Eve ran between us with her head down and her hands in her pockets, making a NEER NEER NEER NEER siren noise, which is kind of a perfect representation of their respective personalit

Morning Shower or Night Shower?

 Do you need to shower every day? Do you shower in the morning or at night? I don't want to start a whole thing like I kind of did with the top-sheet-or-not thing, but I find it interesting. When I was old enough to shower independently, I always needed to shower in the morning. I would shower even if I was just going out to suntan with a friend and my dad would say that's super dumb, you're showering off the skin barrier that might prevent a sunburn, and he was right but dude, we were oiling up with basically barbecue sauce at that time, so I was undeterred. I can't remember when I started needing to shower at night (AS WELL AS in the morning, not instead of). I think my heat regulation problems started in my early twenties, so maybe then? The night time shower was quick, basically a rinse off, but I couldn't get into bed without it.  With my sleep issues, getting up early was even more painful when I had to shower and wash my hair. My hair was oily, though, so ski

Summertime and the Livin' is Wonky

 I have been feeling panicky about how long it's been since I blogged, which is silly and I don't like it. I will not belabour the subject. End of school year! Start of summer! Last year I was so utterly exhausted and enervated at the end of the school year that the thought of packing up and heading to our friends' cottage for Canada Day weekend made me weep (I know - what an ingrate). I forced myself, of course - Matt is so good at assuring me that I will feel better when I get there and I almost invariably do. And it was fantastic! Remember the hose shower? Wait, I can't link to the hose shower post because I can't find it, which is extremely weird because I have a very clear memory of writing it and people commenting on it. (Margot and Michael's cottage is at the top of a mountain (sort of) and you have to go down a steep switchbacky trail to get to the water and then back up again and it is VERY DIFFICULT for those of us who are not in tip-top shape, and las

A Friend For Dragon

 Last week was the last library visit for my classes at Thursday school. Several of them didn't come, which was fine, and foreseeable - the actual last visit was supposed to be the week before, but since the library had been closed for three out of the last five Thursdays for EQAO (barf) and vaccines (hard to argue with that one), I offered the opportunity for classes who still wanted to come.  My last class of the day is the grade three class I love, who I always do storytime with. I was sort of thinking we wouldn't do storytime, because I still didn't have much of a voice and the library was hot AF. I put their cards out on the table, and when they came in I told them they could just go pick books. They said "no" as a group, and walked over to the storytime circle and sat down.  I kind of loved this, obviously, even though my reading glasses were sweating right off my face by the end. I let one of the kids pick the story and it worked out well. This was very stu

I'm Mostly Better

 First, I FINALLY made something from Suzanne's dinner list, except I've been sick and it's been hot and I got kind of confused and made a bunch of different stuff that didn't EXACTLY add up to a whole meal, but I think it will at some point. Honey Chipotle Chicken! Lime cilantro black beans! I couldn't find my fucking quinoa! So I couldn't make crispy quinoa for the salad OR lime quinoa for the honey chipotle chicken bowls, but I'm going to make the salad tomorrow and have it with black beans and chicken and maybe Matt will go out and buy me some quinoa if I ask extra nicely. Apparently I have Chronic Laryngitis now (not really, I think this is just something they say when your voice goes away for more than three weeks and they don't want to say 'we don't fucking know what's going on'), and we were under a heat advisory for much of the week, but Sarah is blogging from the beach so that's probably not a good excuse for how lame I'