
Friday FIG Diaries

 I am going to see if I remember what FIG stands for (Flying Iguana Garage? Federal Imaginary Gorilla? February Images of Glue?) while I write this post, and if I don't I will consult Elisabeth 's blog. February 1st is my sister's birthday. This sneaks up on me even worse than Eve's birthday (today), so I often am scrambling to text on the right day and I never get the gift there on time. Until this year. I got her a book and some Nerds gummy clusters. February 2 - After a few quite bad pain days, woke up with much less pain. Husband got home from California in the morning and we had a really nice conversation while I was still in bed and he was standing in the doorway, and then he had a shower and came and napped while I read and it was lovely. February 3 - Not gonna lie, it was a rough day. I got almost no sleep overnight, felt like absolute shite getting up for work, and all day if I reached for something I knocked something over, if I took a cap off something it end...

Just Say Oh to Drugs and Books Read in 2024: Four-Star Non-Fiction and Fiction

I've had a couple of bemusing interactions recently - the kind where I couldn't figure out if I was being weird or they were. One was a Japanese teacher who came in to the library the morning of Chinese New Year and asked me in a concerned manner if I thought her dress - floral with a mandarin collar - was cultural appropriation. The other one was actually just an overhear - I was walking towards the library and I saw an EA standing in an open doorway answering a teacher, "no, I don't have any kids. I'm only 26." This didn't strike me as super weird, but would you say that? 26 isn't old, but it seems amply old enough to have kids, surely?  So remember the Gabapentin my doc prescribed before Christmas to try during the daytime for fibromyalgia pain, but I was holding off on trying it because it causes drowsiness and then I forgot all about it until my massage therapist mentioned it a couple of weeks ago? I know, probably not, neither did I, lol. I start...

Is It Seriously Still January and Books Read in 2024: Four-Star Horror

Oh my goodness Engie, DID I READ Into the Drowning Deep, INDEED I DID, and five-starred it, it's one of my favourites of Mira Grant/Seanan McGuire's - maybe THE favourite. I had read Rolling in the Deep (now called 0.5) and thought it was good but really needed some fleshing out, and this was all I wanted and more from a sequel. It's catalogued as "Rolling in the Deep #1" and I keep longingly investigating whether there is a #2, and thus far my search has been fruitless. She said something on Twitter about needing it to sell well to get signed for a sequel, so maybe it did not, which is a travesty. Matt's away for the week again. It is, by some kind of glacial sorcery, still January. I remember one day saying to Eve "well at least we're about halfway through" and Eve said "mom it's the ninth". That was, like, eight months ago? I tend to have a headache most days in January. Something about the rotation of the earth and my head. Some...