Camping - Food Edition (after which I will stop milking one measly camping trip for blog posts)

I was prepared to rough it in the bush food-wise - Collette told me "just forget trying to eat healthy - it's easiest if you just buy crap." I went to Loblaws and crowded my cart with club pack boxes of every processed snack available, and filled in the spaces with chips and cookies. I only bought meat that had enough nitrates in it to last three weeks without refrigeration. I bought CHEEZ FREAKING WHIZ. I had not reckoned on my husband, "Hibachi Man". We had a Coleman stove, but I don't think he used it at all. He used a little Hibachi and the grate over the campfire. He also brought actual meat. He made hamburgers. He made steak and potatoes. And lit candles. He made french toast and bacon. He warmed up cinnamon buns in a cast iron pan over the fire. Then there was the parade of giant hunks of meat, courtesy of Mark and Dan and Auspit . This is pork. This is beef. ...wrapped in bacon. It was fou...