Books Read in 2023: The Five-Stars

This one took me SO LONG. I figured out why I was a year behind reading the Giller Prize shortlist - something which is both screamingly obvious and surely important to no one but me, but it was nagging. The shortlist comes out in October, and duh, I didn't read them all by the end of the year, I spread them out into the next one. This is also the point in these posts where I start to realize books are missing. I forgot to add them to Goodreads, or Goodreads was screwed up, or I accidentally missed or deleted them while composing the posts. I know there's at least one for last year - Cemetery Boys, which I think was recommended by Marilyn (HI MARILYN). YA Fantasy, LGBTQ, really good, I remembered it when I was reviewing Promise Boys in this post. It doesn't make me feel happy that I read more books when this happens, it pisses me off that my total was WRONG and the posts are incomplete. Hmph. Engie, international woman of mystery, decided to torture us all (or maybe just ...