Knowing Me Knowing You April

I'm playing knowing me knowing you with Shan because hey, free blog post idea (this reminds me of a Jack Handey saying).

1. Do you have a library card?

Yes yes yes oh my loving god a world of yes. If I didn't I would have to sell my body and my children and all my worldly possessions to support my book habit (yeah, selling my body might only get me four pages of a Chicken Soup for the Sociopath's Soul, but my kids are cute). I put books on hold and promise myself I will ONLY check out the books on the hold shelf, and then books leap out at me from the shelves on my way to the check-out computer and the stack of books on my bedside table grows ever taller and shakier. There was this thing for awhile where the library stairs were trying to kill me, but they fixed them. My kids love the library too, but not as much as I do, and honestly they just kind of slow me down so I only take them with me every third or fourth time.

2. To carry on with the theme, would you purchase a digital reader like a kindle?

Originally I thought no way in hell and why does everybody keep feeling the need to try to replace my beautiful beautiful books? But I've seen one and it's much more reader-friendly than I expected it would be. I guess it's more practical for portability and god knows I have waaaaaay too many bookshelves taking up space in my house. So I'd never say never, but one would pretty much have to fall in my lap attached to chocolate, and I'm still not giving up my matte-covered trade paperbacks.

3. Which night of the week is fright night (aka your busiest night of the week)?

We actually haven't really had one this year so far. Eve has Irish Dance Monday evening, they both have piano on Tuesday and the rest of the weeknights are free, and then hockey on the week-ends. Eve has gone as far as she can in swimming without jumping in so we're taking a break from that. We are, however, about to enter spring baseball season, with one kid in rookie and one in minor, which means four games a week, often on four different nights, which turns us into two single parents living in the same house, high-fiving each other while running in and out from various baseball games, and trying to fit in a few minutes of homework here and there. And making sure the equipment doesn't get mixed up because Angus doesn't take too well to ending up with Eve's pink batting helmet.

4. Watching Idol? Who are you picking to win?

Idol? You mean that nefarious show that kept Glee from me for three months? Not if you tied me down and toothpicked my eyelids open.

5. Do you have a clothesline?

No, and I miss it. In my parents' old house we had a mile-long clothesline that went from the deck high across the yard to a telephone pole. I absolutely loved pegging clothes out and sending them sailing across the back yard. Now I have a tiny Barrhaven backyard. I dry most things on a rack in the basement. I suppose we could get a rack for the backyard, but it's just not the same.


The Mayor! said…
Ahhh the library! When I was a kid, they had to give my sister & I adult cards cause we read so much so fast!! And I agree, I try to dodge taking my kids, just the boy & I go because he can browse & enjoy for as long as I can, & come home with far more books than me that at least he's lucky enough to find time to read LOL!! :-D
Anonymous said…
The kindle debate! Love it! Because I shunned the idea at first, as well. But now? To have so many "books" at my finger tips? Sounds like pure heaven!
Anonymous said…
I couldn't see the point of Kindle until I heard that you can read newspapers on it. I love the newspaper, but it's so unwieldy, especially if you don't have a table handy. But for books, it's got to be the real thing.
The Mayor! said…
So, putting together my short list for guest posts, May Mayhem I'll call it LOL, & in all your copious free time, I'd love to see you send me something, no pressure, no deadline, no topic, just do your thing chickie! E-mail me at .... Pamela is up first, then we'll go from there! Maybe once a week thru May?? :-D
Anonymous said…
I have a Barnes & Noble Nook and love it. I do miss my books on occasion, but it's just so much easier. It holds so many books. I always have everything I need to read all in one place.

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