Books Read in 2024: Yearly Total and One-Star Reads
I had a bit of an... odd? reading year. I don't want to say 'bad', but I was behind my reading goal all year, which has not happened in recent memory, and I went up and down about how much it bothered me. When Eve got home on December 14th she said "I have to read two books in the next sixteen days" and I barked "try ELEVEN". We both resolved to not let it bother us and then both ended up chugging one or two short books to meet our goal.
I know 111 books is perfectly fine - any total is perfectly fine. I know that how much I read tends to define more of my identity than it probably should. There is a rhythm to reading, like with everything else in life, and a rhythm isn't a rhythm unless there are downbeats as well as upbeats (I have no idea if I'm using those terms correctly and also WHY is the word rhythm so hard to type).
That said, I have thought a bit about the reason for reading less because I was unable not to. I sort of forgot that I didn't drop my fourth school library until September, so I still had that job for the first half of 2024, and it took a fair bit out of me. I was really sick three times, and it was the kind of sick where I watched tv more than I read, because all the coughing made me eyes so bleary it was hard to see the page. I don't listen to audiobooks unless I'm on a long drive, because I find it too hard to stay focused on them. Aaaaand, let's be honest, I spend too much time on my phone. The biggest pitfall is probably when I get into bed and think "I'll just check Facebook one last time before I read". THAT IS A BAD IDEA. I'm going to stop doing that.
Now, on the 'reading more diversely' front? Also much room for improvement. I start out well and then often just kind of forget that I'm supposed to be paying attention to the diversity of my reading list and start randomly reading whatever library ebook is going to expire next. This is one reason I need to be better about setting goals and writing them down somewhere where I can't forget about them. I'm not sure how this doesn't result in writing everything down on my bedroom walls. Just kidding. I have a billion pretty notebooks I can use. I'm just afraid I'll forget about them.
Last point: I realized a few months ago that I was possibly getting a little bit lazy with my reading choices. While reading Don Quixote for book club I realized that it felt good to approach something with some density again. I read Middlemarch AND The Magic Mountain in 2019, and I've been trying to read one lousy Anthony Trollope book ever since (mostly because I want to tell people I'm taking my favourite Trollope to the beach in the summer, but still). Ugggghhhhh, I'm going to have to make a reading list and approach it methodically. I hate approaching things methodically.
So, 111 books, down from 139 last year. I looked hopefully at the page count, but I was several thousand pages less than last year as well.
69 were by women
7 were by LGBTQ writers
4 by binary/two-spirit writers
17 by POC (one from the fifteen hundreds, so he probably counts a bit less)
One Star Reads
Twenty-Seven Minutes by Ashley Tate: Synopsis from Goodreads: "The rare gift that delivers it all: elevated prose, characters with depth, unpredictable twists, and a pitch-perfect mood."—Ashley Audrain, New York Times bestselling author of The Push. Phoebe Dean was the most popular girl alive and dead.
For the last ten years, the small, claustrophobic town of West Wilmer has been struggling to understand one thing: Why did it take young Grant Dean twenty-seven minutes to call for help on the fateful night of the car accident that took the life of his beloved sister, Phoebe?
Someone knows what really happened the night Phoebe died. Someone who is ready to tell the truth.
Part Nancy Drew, part Dirty Harry, Izzy walks an indistinguishable line between Spellman family member and Spellman employee. Duties include: completing assignments from the bosses, aka Mom and Dad (preferably without scrutiny); appeasing her chronically perfect lawyer brother (often under duress); setting an example for her fourteen-year-old sister, Rae (who's become addicted to "recreational surveillance"); and tracking down her uncle (who randomly disappears on benders dubbed "Lost Weekends").
But when Izzy's parents hire Rae to follow her (for the purpose of ascertaining the identity of Izzy's new boyfriend), Izzy snaps and decides that the only way she will ever be normal is if she gets out of the family business. But there's a hitch: she must take one last job before they'll let her go -- a fifteen-year-old, ice-cold missing person case. She accepts, only to experience a disappearance far closer to home, which becomes the most important case of her life.
I am dying to know who the POC author from before the 1800s is, but I guess I will just have to wait to find out.
I end up doing the same thing about reading pace - I read the ones that expire first. I have a whole stack of hardcover books that are on my list to read but there is always some deadline for the library kindle books so I never get to the actual physical books. Yes, I could put the kindle on airplane mode but then it can't look up words. Life is tough in a world ruled by Amazon.
I have only ever finished one book that I'd consider to be a one star. It motivated me to DNF which I HATE doing, but I also regretted every minute I spent on that stupid book. I mean, probably there are more, but I've only been "rating" books for a few years now. Ugh I just got mad all over again at that book!
I also spend way too much time on my phone. Stupid phone. I love to read, so why don't I just... READ???? The pull of the scroll is too strong.
I didn't read any 1-star books this year and I'm working hard not to read any 1- OR 2-star books in 2025. Life's too short to read books I'm not enjoying! (Even if snarky reviews are fun to write, lol.)