I'm Just Rambling at This Point

I forgot to post yesterday! One day last week I had gone upstairs and then almost went back down to my computer but forced myself not to just to prove that I am less obsessive these days and could skip a day and not go nuts over it. That is DIFFERENT from just forgetting, which annoys me. My Lucy post earlier today was to make up for it. 

I felt amazing yesterday. It was my day off and I woke up at eight and got up and started doing stuff, which never happens. I had still read until two a.m.I put on comfy clothes and running shoes and went to move shit in the basement, hoping the shoes would save my back, which they did to an extent. I sorted laundry and put the baskets on top of the washer and dryer so I had room to bring out Christmas boxes, then looked through the boxes and put the ones I would want sooner out at the bottom of the stairs for Matt to bring up before he leaves on Monday. Then I bagged up some stuff for donation and also moved some stuff from the main basement area into the storage closet or back storage area for when Angus comes home, and because the chaos was stressing me out - I've taken pictures, but I can't bear to show them to you until I have improved 'after' versions, assuming I ever do. I've been okay with moving stuff from bedrooms or the main floor downstairs, because the living areas are much less cluttered and that makes me very happy, but at some point the elephant (and the rhinoceros, several giraffes and multiple feral hogs) in the room has to be addressed.  

Then I took Lucy for a walk and did yoga, then took a shower and read for a bit until Matt came home. Did some work on the computer while he had a nap because of his 14-hour day on Monday, had dinner and packed my lunch and then we went to bar night (every Tuesday night with friends - ten people if everyone shows, yesterday was 9). Home by 9:30 and I went to bed and did Wordle and Connections and Jeopardy and read until 11:30.  

I've been dreading Wednesdays a bit because my back is always on fire by the end of the day, but I've found that if I do yoga on Tuesday and take one Tylenol with codeine Wednesday morning it gets me through much better - my lower back is a bit achy but I don't get the hot-wire nerve pain between my shoulder blades, which is really miserable and can't really be stretched out. 

In one of my Wednesday classes I have a boy named Adam West-Other Last Name. And I asked him if his parents had ever told him the Adam West/Batman connection AND THEY HAD NOT. I showed him a picture of Adam West dressed like Batman on the computer and he was very amused.  

If you haven't been in a Canadian elementary school for a while, what happens (in mine anyway) is that at some point in the morning there are announcements and then they play Oh Canada. If there are students in the class it's obvious what to do - I stand there, maybe sing if I feel like it. Monday school plays an upbeat bouncy version that I quite enjoy. One of my Wednesday schools plays various versions, and once it was the slowest, draggiest version imaginable, and I felt like we had all aged years by the end. If there's no class in the library, I'm never quite sure what to do. I feel weird just standing there by myself, but odd just continuing working. Once there was one other teacher working at a table and she called over "I'll just keep sitting if you do". 

I generally allow myself to buy one new Christmas decor item a year since we have a lot. Like, a LOT. This year I'm up to three already and I haven't even gone shopping with Zarah yet (HI ZARAH DON'T LET ME BUY ANY MORE SNOW GLOBES).

But come on, look at this.

Truthfully I'd already forgotten about the tree candle holder, which I bought with Jody at the One World Bazaar, which means I'm actually up to four things. Look, it's been a rough year, okay?


Sarah said…
oooh I love the snow globe. We have SO MUCH STUFF, and I always get kind of grinchy and freak out about clutter.
mbmom11 said…
I used to have a lot of Christmas decorations, but at some point I realized if I decorate, I'd have to take it down. Seems like too much effort. So I put a little out, donate some , and try not to feel Grinchy.
Those are very sweet decorations- a charming display!
Elisabeth said…
My son collects snow globes when we travel and I had an aha moment that I want to find him a Christmas-themed globe to add to his collection. I've been on the lookout at Valu Village. I'm hoping to find a small one (he mostly gets the mini ones) and wrap it up for his stocking. Yours is darling!
Yoga. Oof. I have fallen off the bandwagon. AGAIN.
Nicole said…
I mean, is there really such a thing as too much Christmas decor?
Swistle said…
I have GOT to address some feral hogs at my house, too. We have a LOT of available storage (a whole BARN with a LOFT) and that is going to be my downfall. At our old house, the basement storage would start getting uncomfortably full, and that would be my cue to Do Something About It; here, it may be my heirs who end up dealing with it. (There's a door in the loft, over the yard, and the former owner said she just started flinging stuff out that door, and had a junk guy come pick it all up.)

I used to volunteer at the elementary school one morning a week, and they'd do the Pledge of Allegiance over the speaker, and if I was volunteering with this old military veteran he would go into FULL RESPECTFUL POSTURE and say it loud and proud, so then I would do that (but skipping "under God"); and if I was volunteering with literally anyone else, we would just go about our business.
StephLove said…
Halloween decorations are much more tempting for me. For years we got four news ones every year (one for each member of the family). But we have SO MANY we decided to stop this year and it was really hard. I saw so many ones I wanted.

We've stopped buying ornaments for the tree as well, or slowed down. I do want an Oberlin one if North can find a nice one at the book store. We are hading off a few to North to put on the tree in the housing co-op. (We never had a tree when I lived there, but it sounds cozy, and apparently it was kind of sparse, so they asked us to bring some to my mother-in-law's at T-giving.)
J said…
I upped my yoga game this year, I've done it every day (since Jan 2nd, I didn't do it on the first) and I'm amazed at what a difference it has made in my stiffness and pain. I have a desk job where I sit all day, so stretching out like that is really important. I'm glad your yoga helped you as well!
San said…
That snow globe is amazing!
Stephany said…
OMG, I love that snow globe! How perfect is it?! I always tell myself I have ENOUGH CHRISTMAS DECOR and then I end up buying at least a few more items every year, sigh. I already have five full tubs of Christmas decor! For one tiny apartment! It's ridic.

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