Five For Friday - Good Things

 1. NICOLE. Nicole gets me - also we are so similar in some ways (I wish also in the bendy and athletic ways, but alas...). I was a little apprehensive about the three-appointment day, but I was comforted by the fact that there was ample time between each appointment for delays, they were all close together, and in a pinch I could always cancel the vaxx appointments yet again - it's been so hard to find a time, and I did really want to get them done, but I've had important stuff every weekend and I usually feel really crappy after vaccinations, so I needed a Thursday and not a Friday. I crashed hard last night and when I was putting on body lotion last night I pressed on the flu shot site without thinking and almost passed out, but I don't feel too bad today. I did, however, completely forget that I was supposed to go to book club last night. I may not have felt up to going, but I would have sent an email. 

2. Eve is looking into doing a Biology Master's next year. She was feeling overwhelmed at all the work she was going to have to do in addition to her already demanding courseload and rehearsal schedule. She also had post traumatic stress from how wretched the process was trying to find a thesis prof - the bio department handled the whole thing so badly, they held an information night and told them they should have started applying a month before the information night. It worked out miraculously well, but it was massively stressful. This year she has sent out three contact emails to three female profs, and all have responded within two days sounding very interested in taking her on. One paid for her to go out for dinner with the lab group so she could talk to them and see if it felt like a good fit. She is practically being courted, and she is baffled and amused. She also got an email from her thesis prof saying how impressed he and the grad students have been with how well she works independently and how effectively she interprets the data. She's also really enjoying the work and finding it interesting. 

3. Nicole again! YES, I have the tree that toggles between warm white and coloured lights, and I keep poking my head around the corner to see it or walking over and flipping the lights back and forth and beaming like an idiot. ALSO, we got a Costco membership to buy the tree after about five years of not having one, so now I can go and get kalettes without having to beg Jody to take me - although let's be clear, there is no one I would rather try on stupid hats, buy over-priced peppermint bark and judge the Costco cheese tourists with.  Did I have leftover kalettes for breakfast? Yes I did.

4. Lucy came in from outside with like six snowflakes on her.

5. Nicole rounding it out! YES my massage therapist is named Ruth, I thought I had mentioned that, and the fact that I hadn't clearly means my brilliant witticism fell flat, sigh. 

Bonus: Apparently orcas have started wearing dead salmon as hats again, after 'ditching the trend' for 37 years, As Collette says, 'it's the bell bottom jeans of the marine world." I guess my Halloween costume for next year is sewn up.


StephLove said…
I'm glad Eve is doing so well and has a promising possibility for grad school.
Elisabeth said…
I didn't know Eve was studying Biology! That's my background (I stopped after getting my MSc). I have very happy memories of my years spent in a lab. And was so, so fortunate to make some dear friends. It's like a second family since you end up spending so much time together!
Nicole said…
Lol well you might have mentioned Ruth and I could have forgotten! Either way I like the witticism. Also, yay for getting a Costco membership! Unlimited kalettes, at least until late January!
That is amazing about Eve!
Bibliomama said…
Thanks! It's a massive relief that it's so much less frustrating than the thesis prof search.
Bibliomama said…
So true. My husband is still friends with a lot of his lab group from his master's. And Eve has already gone hiking, done a group costume and is going to a Christmas party with her lab group.
Bibliomama said…
I have to be careful, it's been years and I have no natural Costco immunity anymore. Oh! I can buy the wrapping paper! lol this is going to be so dangerous.
San said…
I need to try those Kalettes. But I will not put my Christmas tree on rotating white and colored lights. White lights in this house, only.
J said…
I like colored lights outside, white inside. What is my problem? I have heard that Costco has the best wrapping paper, but have not verified. Is this true? I have a Costco membership, but am recent to it and feel overwhelmed sometimes. Also trying to get out for under $100 is a challenge.
NGS said…
I do not believe in colored lights inside. That's all. My opinion does not matter in other people's homes, but it's a very rigorously enforced rule in our house.
Anne said…
Eve is clearly a rock star, and any lab would be lucky to have her. As they are realizing. I'm glad this experience is so different from her previous one. Academia can be... challenging. :) I shall leave it at that!

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