Smile and the World Gives you a Mammogram
I was in a group chat with friends the other day when we all started inadvertently reminding each other of the appointments we were overdue for - teeth cleaning, boob-smushing, eye doctor, bloodwork, etc. It's some kind of bullshit that these have gone to appointments my mom would take me to to appointments I take my mom too. I was about to call the medical imaging place that was supposed to get back to me about a repeat breast ultrasound (it should be fine, it's closing the loop on the biopsy I had that was clear), and then I realized I could email. This was awesome because I didn't have to talk to someone. Since I didn't have to make the phone call (one or two a day is my absolute limit), I called for a dentist appointment.

Is it just me, or is there absolutely no good time for a dentist appointment? I blithely make them six months ahead and then as they draw nearer I start to feel a formless dread. Summer is bad because we're doing fun summer stuff. Winter is bad because it gets dark at three o'clock and who wants to go out in that. Fall is bad because school just started again and I'm getting back into my routine. Spring is bad because I'm just trying to get to the end of the school year. Mondays are bad because they're the beginning of the week, Fridays are bad because they're the end. You get the picture.
I put myself on a short-notice cancellation list, then promptly turned down a dozen appointments -turns out too short a lead time is just as bad as too long a lead time. They asked me if I still wanted to be on the list and I said yes, then promptly turned down the next dozen appointments. I finally decided I should probably call and try to schedule an actual appointment before the dentist sent hired goons over to beat me up (justifiably), and the receptionist said they were booking into next August - except for one appointment a week from Tuesday. This might be just the right amount of notice, but I'm prepared for things to go horribly wrong.
Today was so much better at work than last Wednesday. At the end of Thursday I realized I'd been walking around for two days with migraine-level head pain and not really knowing what was wrong besides everything being stupid, which probably explains a lot of it. At my morning school I was checking a bin of books back in when I noticed one had a back cover that was bent and starting to tear. Mostly we accept this as something that's just going to happen when you mix up books and elementary-school children, but it is a little depressing how we order brand-new, shiny, immaculate, unspoiled books and they quickly become grubby and tattered.
I took it over to the repair table and flipped it over, and then saw...
The kid put a band-aid on it.
Also, it's finally cool. Today was the first day I wore boots.
Walking pics days 5-8:
Eve comes home on Friday!
I agree wholeheartedly about the phone calls. Two tops. Any more and I need to take to my bed.
Agreed about the dentist. How can I possibly know whether a time six months from now will be workable? What if I am just not in the mood for hygienist chitchat? Eye doctor appointments are similarly tricky - especially when there is dilation involved. There goes the rest of my day.
You reminded me - I need to book my mammogram!
I rescheduled a mammogram because I'd hurt my back and I didn't want to bend and twist around and now I am trying to decide if it's better enough to keep the new appointment (next week).
I have the dentist coming up at the end of the month, sigh. I always book the next appointment while I'm there, and then they send you a text reminder one month before you appointment, which I think is great. That way I have a month to figure out if that's going to work or if I need to reschedule. I agree, it's a pain.
That Band-aid is hilarious. It's the thought that counts, right?
Great walking!
I have to get my teeth cleaned every three months and I always make my appointment for as early as they schedule (do you have a 7am time? 7:30?) so I can be denial about it and then go to bed and not have to fret about it all day long. And I have to go EVERY SEASON.
I left two voicemails recently for a specialist veterinarian (WHAT LIFE AM I LIVING?!) and neither was returned, so then I wrote an email and I got response within five minutes. Email FTW.
I will patronize the FUCK out of any business that lets me book things online. It's a testament to how much I love my hairdresser that I haven't thrown her over for someone with online booking.