Friday Randoms Grab Bag: One Bag at a Time

 Today I didn't feel like doing a whole room or cupboard or even drawer, so I decided to just do a bag. I have a (bad?) habit of cleaning up a place and throwing everything I don't immediately know what to do with in a bag to deal with later, then.... not dealing with it until much, much, much, much, MUCH later. Swistle commented on one of these posts that she was feeling inspired by the decluttering, which is funny because HER post about just getting rid of one or two things a day is what inspired me in the first place.

The last bag I emptied was odd and random, but at least had stuff that sort of made sense. The number of old receipts and empty pill bottles in this one was embarrassing (although satisfying because I could just throw them out). When I cleaned out my bottom bathroom drawer I found something mystifyingly called 'face primer' - to be applied to clean and moisturized skin before applying makeup. So, this stuff neither cleans nor moisturizes and is NOT makeup? I am confident this came in one of those little subscription bags Eve and I shared for a while because I would never have bought this weird additional layer of... stuff to put on my face. 

This bag had a tiny adorable glass bottle of primer OIL, which, jesus god, even worse. I emptied out the oil, but rinsed out and kept the tiny adorable jar, for obvious reasons I hope. 

Day 4 of the Cool Bloggers Walking Club. I did miss the very second day, which could send me on a real spiral but I'm just not going to let it. I had a migraine and a crappy afternoon at work, and it was all I could do to get myself in a cool shower and then to bed. Is there a Cool Bloggers Crawling Club I can join?

Day 3

Day 4

I'm a little annoyed by my hair at the moment. I don't even mean the actual state of it (although that too, a lot of the time), but just... having it. Having this stupid unruly stuff on my head, being aware of it all the time, having to decide if I'm going to wash it, how I'm going to style (ha) it. Yoga makes a lot of things feel better, but my hair is not one of them. The receptionist at my physio place has the most amazing haircut - very very short, salt and pepper, with texturized little sort of swirls everywhere. But she has the face for it, and a British accent, and I sort of feel like I would need both and don't have either. 

SPOONS. Suzanne talked about having a dwindling number of teaspoons and a robust number of tablespoons and ME TOO (Suzanne and I twin on so many things, but not mushrooms (?)). I have looked for new flatware a few times, but I am unsurprisingly fairly neurotic about the feel of utensils even more than the look, and I haven't been able to find anything. Jody and I (HI JODY) went to IKEA last week after I texted her that I needed Skogsfrakens and she asked if I was having a stroke. Like spoons, I have very specific pillow needs, and I finally took the pillow off of Eve's bed because she and Davis (Jody's daughter, Eve's BFF) both got Skogsfraken pillows for university and loved them so much they now have them at home and at school and they are surprisingly economical considering the quality - twenty bucks as opposed to the sixty I sometimes end up spending. I had to buy a couple so I could return Eve's to her bed before she comes home for fall break.

Eve and Davis <3

Anyway, we ended up in the kitchen section and Jody grabbed something and said "want to look at these spoons? Do you have specs in mind?" and I started world-wearily asserting that yes, I had VERY PARTICULAR SPOON NEEDS and there was almost no chance that these spoons would be suitable, and then -- Interjection: when Angus was two and a half and I was pregnant with Eve, he broke his femur and it was terrible. He was just home from the hospital and my parents had come to help, and my mom had made this dessert she makes with pistachio pudding mix and milk and Dream Whip because they said milk would be good for him, but he was still in shock and nauseated and didn't want to eat anything, and I sat down beside him while he was in his beanbag chair and he was yelling "I NOT WANT IT, I NOT WANT IT, I N"--pblt *sound of me shoving a little bit in his mouth*..."I wike it". -- similarly, Jody socked this package of spoons into my hand and I was like ".... I love them."

They have slightly longer handles than is usual, and they have the perfect hand feel, and they make eating yogurt so much more special. 

How are your spoons? What's in your bag? 


Swistle said…
Blogging: WE HELP EACH OTHER. I have been doing these little all-household 30 minute cleaning sessions, and by "I have been" I mean William has been making us, and by "doing these" I mean we've done it twice, BUT STILL. It really does make a difference, even if we just FLAIL AROUND cleaning RANDOM STUFF.

I too am getting tired of Having Hair.

I have bought several sets of demitasse spoons, which are adorable for yogurt.
Elisabeth said…
I have spoons like that -sundae spoons we call them - and we use them all the time. In fact, we found one set wasn't enough to get us through a dishwashing cycle so we bought a second set. We go through a shocking number of spoons each day.

I hate having hair. If I could find a way to have mediocre looking hair but never have to do a single thing to it again in my life, I think I'd live with mediocre hair. I am so weary of hair. Cutting, styling, washing and I shed like a pack of dogs. My hair falls out constantly and everywhere I look there is hair on the floor.

Love the walking updates!!!
StephLove said…
I have very bad follow through on big decluttering or organizing projects. Partly it's because Beth just cares more about it than I do but she has less time than I do so we end up in sort of a stalemate. But she's going to retire early, maybe in less than a year, so perhaps she will tackle it then or at least take charge and give me some direction. I get so easily overwhelmed by the enormity of the task.
NGS said…
Can I just say that primer is a key ingredient in my makeup routine? I use TWO TYPES of primer. I use a primer for my face so that my make doesn't all congregate in the creases of my forehead. I use eyelid primer so my eye makeup looks just like it did when I put it on in the morning and it hasn't all congregated in the crease of my eyelid making me look like some sort of science experiment. Anyway. Long live primer.
I love your spoons. Eve and Davis are so beautiful. I have no idea what primer is and would also regard it with deep suspicion. WHY ARE WE NOT MUSHROOM TWINS. The header photo that appeared with your post was just an umbrella on a bench and I have been really fixated on the umbrella: WHAT IS THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE UMBRELLA??? I also missed an early day of the CBWC and am just breezing right on past. One missed day doesn't nullify the experience! Nor do two or ten missed days! WHAT IS PRIMER.
Bibliomama said…
We were walking the day after a very rainy day, and an umbrella had been left on a bench at the park. It was a pretty umbrella, and I hoped the owner would come back and find it.
Bibliomama said…
Huh. I don't wear makeup on my forehead or eyelids, so I guess the primer wasn't going to be a thing for me, but good to know the purpose.
Bibliomama said…
I have more time and more inclination than Matt (quite a bit more time, not necessarily THAT much more inclination) except for the once or twice a year when he cleans out his tool room or organizes paperwork. I do tremendously well for a few weeks each year and then really, really badly the whole rest of the year.
Bibliomama said…
Bibliomama said…
I was already thinking I need another set of these spoons.
Nicole said…
I need to put a plug in here for primer! I use Smashbox primer and it keeps my makeup looking fresh. You can get moisturizing or mattifying kinds, I get the "blur" which is supposed to do something for wrinkles. Does it, I don't know, but I do love my primer.
Jenny said…
Hahahahaha. Maybe if we all shave our heads, it can become a trend and we won't have to deal with it anymore.
I'm also laughing at "Cool Bloggers Crawling Club." Yes, I have those days. Well, I'm usually okay to work out early in the morning, but despite my desire to join the CBWC, i can't get myself out for a walk after work.
Glad you found the spoons! It just goes to show, there are often simple solutions to our problems. You think finding spoons is going to be some impossible task, and then- oh wait! They have some perfect ones at Ikea.
NGS said…
Right, Nicole?! It's so important!

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