I'm Sort of Better

 "I'm so late commenting you're probably well by now" said Engie, IF ONLY. Man, that sucked. I'm not sure my voice is ever coming back, but I am now feeling better enough that I am panicking about how little I've accomplished over the past couple of weeks, which is SUPER HELPFUL for a healthful recovery.

It was a bit of a funny weekend. Not for normal people, probably. I usually think of my winter depression lifting by March, but I feel like perimenopause is complicating everything, and I have been treading water a bit until now. I did get really sick in January and May, though, so maybe I'll just calm down. I've been in the kind of weird reading spot where I bury myself in books - buying new books, looking up new books in the library database, reading ABOUT books but not reading THE books as much. I suddenly realized I hadn't posted anything in my Book Bingo Facebook group since January. I was SIX BOOKS BEHIND in my Goodreads reading challenge at one point which is unheard of (I hate the stupid Goodreads reading challenge, why do I do it every year).

Angus came home! Just for the week-end, to get his winter tires off because it's unlikely he'll need them in North Carolina. Now we have to decide what to do with those winter tires. He's going back to Ithaca for a few weeks, still working in the provost's office and doing a goodbye tour with his friends in the area. 

Friday night we had Chinese food with my parents since Angus won't be here for Father's Day and Matt will be traveling. It's been monsoon-ing off and on - Thursday I got groceries and drove home in one of those absolutely zero visibility torrential downpours. I could have tried to wait it out but the sky was uniformly black, the clouds were going nowhere. I saw kids trying to get home from school and wanted to help, but I didn't have room for all of them.

Eve suited up to bring in the groceries

Saturday Angus and I were going to go for a walk and get Starbucks, and it kept typhoon-ing, but then in between it would be sunny and perfect. We finally chanced it and took umbrellas, and it was perfect the whole time we walked and I was mad I didn't have sunglasses. Eve's friend Davis was home from Montreal finally after doing a summer course, so she would head out every night and be out later than anyone (not usual) and we'd have to remember not to lock her out.

Also, Matt had been telling me for weeks that he was leaving on the Saturday, which is why I had invited my parents over for Friday, and then he realized he was actually leaving Sunday, so I was confused about what day it was all weekend, but the good kind of confused where you have an extra day rather than the obverse. He came upstairs and started talking about how he didn't have to visit customers this trip so he didn't need a lot of nice clothes, but then he was flying back into Toronto and going to a school reunion thing before coming home... I looked up from my book and said "you're engendering a great deal of confidence in your organized packing skills right now."

Then they kept delaying his flight to Toronto which was going to fuck up catching his flight to Germany, and he was big mad, and he called and spoke sternly to someone which didn't really change anything, and then he decided to go to the airport early anyway and work in the lounge and eat lounge food angrily, so he stuffed his ramen noodles back in the package and left.

In between all of this there was constant college baseball on tv cast from Angus's phone. And Angus kept picking up Lucy and she kept looking around like "I'm not usually this high up, what the heck". And Eve and her friends have this weird habit of watching really bad reality tv (I don't really judge, I watch crap tv too, I just prefer it to have writers). So if they're here, when I walk into the room I'm always asking "Is this a Love Is Something, or a Selling Something, or a Housewives Something?" 

Also, my very first fancy black bra with pink embroidery that I got measured for and bought at the fancy bra store near Zarah popped an underwire. We had a good run, fancy bra *sob*.

And I cooked some actual meals after three weeks of living on cereal and noodles. And I planted some stuff, after going to the garden center and very conscientiously only buying flowers that I had a plan for  piling every pretty plant onto my cart with gay abandon. 

Here's to not coughing until we barf! 


I am glad to hear you are partly better, and hope for the all-the-way better soon. I am not sure what evolution was thinking when it came up with the cough.

I am right there with you on reading ABOUT the books, which I think is worthwhile. I mean, have you seen how many books there are?
Nicole said…
RIP pretty bra. Don't you just hate that.
Those flowers are gorgeous!!! We actually had quite a bit of rain here and everyone is thrilled. I'm HOPING fire season won't be so bad this year.
StephLove said…
I'm glad you're on the mend and had some good family time before people scattered to the winds. I think pretty plants are therapeutic and you are still sick so who can blame you?
Ahhhhhh I see you and I share the same gardening style! Gay abandon! All the plants! Wheeeeeee! (Similar to our shared book gathering tendencies. I have SO MANY books I have assembled since December and have read such a teensy fraction of them. I keep getting notifications from my Libby app that books I have requested are ready for me, but I'm not ready for them, so I hit "deliver later" and then add ten more holds to the list. Why am I like this.)

So glad you are feeling better. Also, that photo of the four of you is spectacular. What a beautiful family.
Ernie said…
Hooray for everyone being home. Wonderful family photo. Lucy's confusion about being up high is so funny. A few of the kids in our fam have lingering coughs following a cold and I am like WHAT IS GOING ON? But not enough to raise concern or warrant another doc visit. Sorry your's has wiped you out for such a lengthy stretch. Torrential downpours are nice for a cozy day but beyond that 1 day they get on my nerves. Stumbling on an extra day sounds like a great surprise.
Busy Bee Suz said…
Partially better is better than worse. Right?
yay for everyone home for a minute!
That was a pretty bra. I can't remember the last time I wore a pretty bra; I was under the impression that we were not doing that any longer and now I realize that maybe it's only me who isn't doing that any longer.
I hope you continue to heal and not barf cough. Or cough barf. You know.
NGS said…
You still never said what song you were talking about! I'm still WAITING!
San said…
Glad to hear you're doing a bit better and had some nice family time :)

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