Oops I Did it Again

"I will blog again before a week and a half goes by". Reader, she did not.

It's fine. This is fine. Everything is fine. 

Lucy's improving. I'm making it to work. We cleaned the house yesterday before my parents came over for Mother's Day. The windows are rotting out of the frames and we have ants, but, you know, it's clean. I was tired and out of sorts because I'm having a violent resurgence of every-night Restless Leg Syndrome and it sucks beyond belief, but it was still fun.

I don't love the mall, and typically when I go I go Monday to Wednesday so it's dead, and yet I inexplicably asked Eve if she wanted to go to the mall. On Saturday. And we did, and it was super fun! We got a not-terrible parking place, it was busy but not insanely so, and we met some fun sales people (along with one catastrophically bad young man at Bluenotes - mumbly, sullen, negative-fifty-fucks to give - who was so bad it was enjoyable). 

The last time we went looking for jeans for Eve we went to a dozen stores and found one acceptable pair on our way out of the mall. This time she wasn't even LOOKING for jeans and she found some on a thirty-dollar sale table. Actually she didn't at first, they didn't have her size, but she was waiting for me to get there because she won't try on anything without me there to give an opinion (isn't that cute?) so she kept checking back and eventually her size appeared.

She was looking for a long white skirt, and she found one. Then she found a better one for less money. We went to the Uniqlo store that just opened ("Old Navy for Asians" says Matt, who spends a lot of time in Asia) and got mildly overstimulated. We went out for lunch and stuffed our faces with guacamole.

I bought a sundress to wear to Angus's grad, which we are now going to, because he wasn't going to walk on the basis of "been there, done that", well, done that somewhere else, so we said fine, but then he found out that he's not actually going to start work until the fall so he has some time, and his last month's rent is paid, so he's going to do grad (the graduate students are the day before the rest, and it's smaller and more individualized), so we told him he was a giant dork (MULTIPLE TIMES we asked "do you want us to come to your grad?" NO, he said) and then booked a hotel room.

Did I mention he got a JOB? Did I mention the job is in NORTH FREAKING CAROLINA?

For years he's been saying he wants a baseball job somewhere warm. His most likely prospect was in Rochester. Rochester is basically Canada. He interviewed with Tread Athletics in North Carolina. What are the odds, we thought? Turns out the odds were... well, I'm not entirely sure whose favour they were in. "Tell them thanks but your mommy said it's too far?" I suggested. Then I said "just kidding" and he said "okay, whew, wasn't sure."

At least we have a lot of Air Miles? I said "my son is moving to North Carolina" to someone at school today and felt like I was in a weird dream. It feels a little strange to have to get on a plane to visit my kid (or drive for 13 hours), but truthfully I probably won't see him that much less. It will be a fun adventure?

Eve had an interview at an Engineering place for a job doing water sampling at schools. It sounds kind of hard and like it should be with a senior person (the title is 'junior environmental scientist' which sounds so cute, like it should come with a miniature hard hat), and she's not entirely sure she wants it but will still be offended if she doesn't get it. Whatever, one kid at a time. At least she's not likely to move a country away, how would she ever buy clothes? I guess she could text me pictures. Sigh. 


Sarah said…
That's so exciting re: job and grad school graduation!! Also I love that you guys shop together. Adorable mall pic, too.
Nicole said…
Ooooh as a rule I do not enjoy shopping on a Saturday but your day sounds so fun!
Congrats to Angus!!!
ccr in MA said…
I often say that the key to happiness is low expectations because then when something goes better, you're pleased! I'm glad your mall outing was so unexpectedly successful.
Pat B said…
“Your mommy says it’s too far” lol. I’ve been there - my 2 youngest kids moved from Burlington to Calgary quite a few years ago. It was sooo hard, but you get used to it. It’s probably cheaper to fly to the states than cross-Canada! They are both back in Ontario now after staying 10 & 12 years.
Awwww, congrats to Angus! North Carolina is far away, but I guess that means you will have come visit a lot and then do lots of driving around from state to state visiting your blog fans (me, come visit me).

WHAT IS THE DEAL, RLS? I have had it ever since I was pregnant, but holy moly has it gotten worse this past year or so. Usually it's an indicator I need to go to bed, like if I'm watching a show with my husband and the clock inches past nine, my legs will get all angsty. But then sometimes it's worse IN BED? HATE.

Love that you two enjoy shopping together. I ostensibly enjoy shopping, but my daughter has now reached the stage where she has different style preferences than I do, and also she refuses to try things on. So it's not particularly fun. Oh well. I do need to get her something fancy-ish to wear to fifth grade graduation.
StephLove said…
Congrats to Angus. What's the job?

At first I was happy when Noah came home to job hunt after his summer internship last year, but it's been nine months now and he just seems stuck and it's sad to see. I think I'd rather he was off somewhere getting on with his life, even if was far away. (But ask me again if he does go far away eventually.)
Swistle said…
How are you and Eve SO CUTE.


Absolutely any job that has "junior" in the title should come with a miniature hat.
NGS said…
Yay for the chicks leaving the roost! (I mean Yay for the chicks leaving the roost?)

I get mildly/more than mildly stimulated whenever I have to go into a clothing store and they are playing music So Loudly. I am An Old. I cannot have this song screaming at me while I try to figure out if I need boot cut or straight leg or boyfriend jeans. So, yeah, the mall is a challenging place!!
Ernie said…
I'm glad Angus decided to do graduation and that you are all going. I'm sure it will be so much fun. Sorry his job is so far away. Hooray for frequent flyer miles. I laughed at him saying, Phew, wasn't sure. Coach has always wanted to live in North Carolina. I predict Eve stays closer to you. I don't think texting photos while shopping is nearly as much fun as having you along for the adventure. Glad the negative Nelly guy was so bad that you found it enjoyable. Oh, and yes - it does sound like she needs a junior sized hard hat.
san said…
So fun you got to hang out with Eve. And isn't it the best if you find a piece of perfect clothing when you weren't even looking! ;)

Congrats on Angus' job... in NC! Wow. Since I live 6000 miles away from my own parents, maybe I can give them their phone number in case you need to commiserate with another set of "abandoned" (but mighty proud) parents! ;)

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