Touching Grass

 Lucy is doing really well. She's still mostly hopping around on three legs, and it's a little demoralizing to see her poor naked leg just hanging there. I keep looking at the posts on the Facebook group I joined to be reassured that sometimes it can take weeks for them to trust the leg again. We've started doing a daily walk around the block which she loves, and our new strange bargain seems to be that if I let her eat grass by the mailbox she will put the foot down and take a few steps. Sometimes she stops because she wants to go towards our longer route, which I understand but it's too soon. The good part about the standoff is that the longer she stands there the more likely she is to get tired of balancing on three legs, and she puts down the fourth. After I massage it and lift her up and set her on her feet she will put it down, but then hops away again. It's probably going to be a bit of a long haul, but we're moving in the right direction. Apparently the bargain we have struck is that if I let her stand by the mailbox and eat a bunch of grass, she will put the foot down and take a couple of steps. Which, okay, I guess?

Eve wrote her last exam on Tuesday, which is a full two weeks earlier than she usually finishes. This was a mixed blessing since it also meant that she did the musical, then had a day and a half before three exams in four days, one of which was organic chemistry (if you know, you know). Because Matt's been on his extended work trip and then in Thunder Bay for his step-dad's retirement party and I'm saddled with our gimpy little mutt, we're not able to pick her up until next week. At first she thought that was annoying because if she was there for that extra time she could have been studying. But then she realized that she usually writes her last exam and then has to pack semi-frantically before heading home, whereas now she's hanging out and living her best life making cups of tea for housemates that are still in exams and doing fun stuff.

There was one day where the weather was bad and she couldn't decide what to do. I asked what the movie was at the little theatre right in the cute village down the street from her, and she looked it up and frowned and said "some kind of ... maybe drag show and then Shrek 2? I don't get it, why not Shrek 1, and ...why Shrek at all?" Fairly soon after she FaceTimed and said she mentioned it to her housemate Lauren who said "omg -- is it the Drag Queen Shrek Show?" and now they were going. Afterwards she said it was great and the main takeaway was that I had to re-watch Shrek 2 because it was way better than she remembered it (I had already remembered the Fairy Godmother doing Holding Out for a Hero, so not much of an argument from me). 

She also went to the Arts and Science Drop-In, which is basically a backyard party with a bunch of pizza during exams that she had never been to before because of all the, well, exams. She said it was funny because at a lot of parties non-Arts and Science people accuse the Artsci students of just talking philosophy for a few hours and then the older students escorting the first years back to residence so they don't get lost. This one, unusually I guess, had a fire and beer and people doing keg stands at two in the afternoon. Also she's going to Ripley's Aquarium in Toronto (an hour or so away) with friends on Monday because she remembers loving it but hasn't been there since she was about twelve.

Today she FaceTimed me from a tree. Like, climbed up into the tree and talked to me from there. 

Both my girls are acting a little nutty while outside. Spring fever, maybe? 


Nicole said…
Why Shrek at all? that cracked me up.
I cannot wait to see you and pet little Lucy! Awww.
StephLove said…
I hope to get as detailed dispatches from college from North as you get from Eve. It was not as easy getting info from Noah.

And that's where Nicole's going. Have fun with each other.
NGS said…
Eat a bunch of grass! Why do dogs like to eat grass? WHY?!?!
Jenny said…
Animals are so weird! You let her eat grass, she takes a few steps... sounds like a typical bargain with a dog. Glad she's doing well!
And sounds like your daughter is living her best life. I want to be a college student again...
Sarah said…
that little naked leg! oh!

Eve! So studious and just naturally an excellent kid-- the time post-exams but before move-out was my favorite time of... maybe my life. But I only did debauched things in that window.
Busy Bee Suz said…
I often wonder if my dogs are part cow, as they love grass.
I'm glad Lucy is making some progress; this was a lot for her! Hopefully she can't see that her leg is completely naked.
San said…
Happy to hear that Lucy is recovering... even though she's playing a little bargain game with you ;)

And hooray for finishing exams early. I guess there could be worse things.

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