Vision of Salted Toffee Pretzel Bark Dancing in Your Head

There was at least one request for this in the comments and a couple from Facebook. You're welcome in advance, everyone. I would like to take credit for making this recipe up, but all I did was think "man, chocolate bark would be great with pretzels in it - I'll bet someone is already on that" and google "chocolate pretzel bark".

*trumpet fanfare*...... The Recipe.

Oh, while I'm here, I totally did say fuck it and blow off all my remaining Christmas responsibilities to go to the Christmas market with Eve's BFF and her mom who is now my BFF. Mother-daughter double date (plus Piper in her Santa wrap) for the extreme win. It was cold and clear and magical and we sampled Vodkow and drank hot cider and bought a few Christmas presents and marveled at the beauty of a thousand tiny lights in the winter darkness. Davis wasn't there to sing the opening of All I Want for Christmas for the radio people this year, but she joined us afterwards at Marianna's house (you might think they're jumping for joy to see each other after months apart, but it's actually delirious excitement at Eve and Marianna having seen Francesca from Too Hot to Handle at the market- I know. I mean, I don't know.)


Swistle said…
I am not saying this post made me a little weepy with holiday happiness, but also I am not saying otherwise.
Love everything about this. What a perfect holiday experience.
NGS said…
It looks so festive! And you look so happy! Yay for the holiday spirit!
StephLove said…
Looks fun, all of it.
Merry Christmas to you and yours.

The mother of my son-in-law, also now my friend, makes chocolate bark with pretzels in it. And she brought 2 giant containers of it when she visited us for Christmas. High praise for the makers of chocolate bark with pretzels!
Ernie said…
This is so fun. Love the photos, especially the friend excitement mode.
San said…
An actual Christmas Market, how delightful.

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