Non-Surly Thursday (with a tiny pocket of Surly in the middle)

 If I DO get Covid I guess it will be slightly ironic, because I felt really good this week after my week-end away. 

It was sunny and cold this morning. I was wearing a knit dress with a vest, my Docs and socks instead of tights because I am always so hot and uncomfortable in this library. I put a light cardigan over top mostly so people wouldn't comment on my wearing no kind of jacket at all.

I walked down the hall and was about to enter the library when a teacher leading a group of students said "are those postage stamps on your back?", which confused the hell out of me because as far as I know there was nothing on my back but black cardigan. I said "no?" and she said, "oh, it looks like it from a distance". I went into the library, plunked down all my stuff and took off my cardigan to look at the back. Since my Docs have started carving up my heels I wear blister patches a lot of the time, and they have an annoying habit of falling off and ending up everywhere, so I was worried there were blister patches stuck to my sweater. But there was nothing.

Then my eyes fell on my bags and I suddenly realized she was saying "on your BAG", not "on your BACK". At the beginning of the year I didn't have a tote bag big enough to carry my lumbar support cushion and a fan and my water bottle and lunch bag. I was trying to figure out where to look for one, and then I remembered Redbubble. So then Matt came home and I was on the computer and I told him that unfortunately I was about to buy four hundred dollars worth of tote bags because when you put almost anything you can think of on a tote bag it can be hard to narrow down the options.

For obvious reasons, I usually default to putting stuff about books or authors on my bags and t-shirts and phone cases and journals and socks and everything else. Then sometimes I feel like I want to branch out a little. I loved my old phone case, but it didn't fit my new phone. 

My new phone case is called Vintage Books, but is mainly a cute little robot. 

So after pages and pages of possible tote bag designs, I ended up with Virginia Woolf book covers

But also something called The Cuckoo and The Donkey. 

I dunno, shut up, it spoke to me.

So anyway I had to go out in the hallway and find the teacher and explain the misunderstanding because I felt like I must have appeared brainless. She was gracious.

My first two classes were really  nice as always, which lulled me into a false sense of serenity for the third class to come in and be absolutely heinous. They frequently are, but today was especially bad -  maybe because of the approaching holidays, maybe Mercury was in retrograde, but as my friend Hannah (HI HANNAH) said, there is just a particularly toxic mix of personalities and it makes for a really unpleasant half hour. I tried being reasonable. I tried being angry. I tried being very angry (actually by this point I just was, in fact, very angry). Then we had a secure schools notification so they had to stay even longer. Just when I thought we might have to resort to some of fight-club method of deciding who got to stay in the school and who had to hit the road, they were allowed to leave. I was in fight-or-flight for a good twenty minutes afterwards. The other librarian said we'll discuss it next week and if they don't improve she'll switch them to one of her days, but I don't want to inflict them on someone else. I just want to get better at dealing with them. When I used to waitress, I was terrible at not internalizing every negative interaction. Every now and then I think that if I tried that job now I'd be better at not taking everything so personally. Days like this show that I am most emphatically incorrect about that. 

My last class wasn't able to come because of the lockdown which was a little sad because I love them and there's no circulation next week but I did some shelving to calm down. Sometimes I sort the books into their categories to avoid a bunch of extra steps and get shelving done faster. Sometimes I just take an armful and sort of amble around from section to section according to what the next book is, and I feel very calm and librarian-ish doing it.

In the evening I went to Costco and Indigo with Jody (HI JODY) and did an epic singalong to All I Want for Christmas in the car and that was fabulous. 

Oh, and to round out the whole good things/bad things part of the day, on the way TO school there was a parked car making one street difficult to traverse. I pulled over to let one car go by, and then another car came around the corner quite quickly, so I expected her to go too, but she pulled right over to the curb so I could go next, in a lovely "aren't we all so courteous and civilized" moment. Then on the way home one car swerved suddenly and bashed into a car in the next lane two cars in front of me, resulting in a dramatic strewing of wheels and car parts all over the road, but miraculously no one was hurt and the collision was confined to those two cars. 

I started this post on Thursday and then got really tired, so it is now Sunday but I didn't get Covid! Even though Zarah and I totally sucked on the same weed pen Saturday night! I got to go to the Christmas party! 


Swistle said…
Favorite parts:
"I dunno, shut up, it spoke to me."
"Every now and then I think that if I tried that job now I'd be better at not taking everything so personally. Days like this show that I am most emphatically incorrect about that." Girl, same.
Sarah said…
VA Wolfe book covers? Very niche and I love it.
StephLove said…
Hooray for not getting covid. I felt so lucky to dodge it when North had it this summer.

I remember different sections of the same class having such different personalities when I was teaching. It just takes a few bad apples (or good ones!) to change the whole dynamic of a group.
Nicole said…
I saw the title and was so confused. Is it...Thursday? What day is it? M was home for a couple of days and I am so discombobulated as to what day it is.
I'm so glad you didn't get Covid! Woooo! That class sucks, it sounds dreadful. Also dreadful, the car accident - although yay for not involving everyone else, boo for SMASHING INTO ANOTHER CAR OMG.
NGS said…
My husband recently asked me for some of my favorite Christmas songs to add to our holiday playlist that he has carefully crafted over the years. I was taken aback by this request because playlist curation is HIS business and I just listen to whatever he puts on and/or ignore it as requires. I eventually sent him a list (Joan Baez, Martina McBride, Mariah Carey - hello? did he really need this list?). Why did I start writing this anecdote? Hmmm...oh, right! Sometimes I want to branch out a little! But not when it comes to Christmas music, I guess, because now whenever one of the songs I requested comes on the carefully curated holiday playlist that we've had for YEARS, I get grumpy because it doesn't belong there. That's all. I thought you would understand this story.
Oooooh I love your tote bags. And I love that you tracked down the person who asked about the stamps to explain the confusion.

UGH a lockdown and UGH with that particular class?!?! Yikes.

But yay for no covid!
Ernie said…
I love visualizing you being librarian-ish. Shutup it spoke to me - ha. I love Redbubble. I've ordered too many stickers to distribute to all 35 family members when we host Christmas. If the party is stiff and challenging because of our family dynamics, there will be laughter. Damn it. It's too bad this class is such a pain in the neck. I hope they are more 'settled' after the holidays.
San said…
Pretty tote bags are the best. I own many :)

And btw, I have to tell you: the fact that you wear docs makes me the happiest. I bought a new pair a couple of years ago (after lusting over them for years) and I am so happy I have a pair again... :)

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