Warming and Colding

 I'm having a bit of a mental health bobble, and the commiseration over sleep stuff was welcome yesterday. 

I did stay up too late, but fell asleep and slept well. Lucy and I had a cozy morning. I think it was Suzanne who mentioned loving her flannel sheets and wow, same. I was worried that perimenopause would rob me of the joy of flannel sheets, which would have been exceedingly shitty, but as long as I still wear shorts and a tank top, the flannel sheets are great. I bought a set from Bed Bath and freaking Beyond (Sex and the City callback) a couple of years ago and was so immediately smitten I bought a second set. I always get in bed and read with no covers on and the fan on me for the first ten minutes or so so I won't overheat, but this results in very cold feet with regular sheets. When I pull up these ones it's like the bed is hugging me. 

I also have this diffuser from Saje that sucks as a diffuser but is a perfect night light. When I turn off the light and read in bed with my ipad with this on it's like the whole ROOM is hugging me. 

Lucy also approves.

Then we went for a walk because it was sunny and beautiful.

Crack-your-nipples-off cold, but beautiful.

I am getting the things done that needed to get done today, and I feel nicely loosened up after the walk, so I'm not sure why I feel like I'm about to burst into tears. Brains, man. They're weird. 

I made my dad an appointment for bloodwork. Taking my parents for bloodwork was, for the longest time, an ordeal that would make the bravest soldier cower. One of the more memorable occasions is described here (this post is always easy to search because of one memorable phrase - any guesses what that phrase might be?) About a year ago, LifeLabs moved into the neighbourhood, and if I'd known what an improvement it was going to make in my life I would have greeted them with confetti and song. I still make the appointments, but they can drive themselves there! Even my mom! It's at the nearby shopping plaza so she likes to go and then go shopping after! It is THE BEST THING. 

Then I emailed to make my dad's hand surgery appointment. The hand surgeon's admin assistant works by email instead of phone, which I absolutely love. 

Then I washed my CPAP machine and cleaned the kitchen and everything is FINE, everything is GOOD, but I am weepy and weird. Partly it's that time of year where all the moisture has departed the vicinity, and just before I get a migraine I always feel like all the moisture has been sucked out of my body, so right now I'm feeling constantly pre-migraine. Or maybe I am pre-migraine, which would explain a lot. 

Angus texted the family chat that it is likewise cold as balls in Ithaca. Eve is happy because it is snowing in Hamilton. Matt is in New Jersey and I am not sure what the weather is like there. 

I just finished my five-page letter to Matt's aunt that I've been working on for days, so clearly I am an unstoppable dynamo today and my brain should shut the fuck up. I suppose my dog and I will go and sit on the couch with fuzzy blankets for a spell and see if that helps. 


Sarah said…
I sleep with the window above my bed open--it's the only way flannel sheets still work for my hot flashes
Nicole said…
I appreciate the SATC callback but I personally prefer the one from Old School. "Maybe we'll go to Bed Bath and Beyond, I don't know. I don't know if we'll have enough TIME."
StephLove said…
I'm sorry things feel wobbly for you right now. I hope it improves soon.

I sleep hotter than B, so often I have the flannel sheets and one blanket, while she's got those plus a second blanket AND a comforter. Also, my bottom half tends to get warmer than my top half, so I might sleep in something like a wool shirt on top and just underwear, no pajama bottoms, below.
NGS said…
I hope your sleep and mental health woes fix themselves soon. It is a very challenging time of year.

This is a reminder to me to wash our flannel sheets and get them on the bed. It has not been getting above freezing here for the last few days and it's time to be warm and cozy!
Elisabeth said…
The way my brain works exhausts me. Sometimes I wish my husband could jump into my head and see how it works. It's messy and sometimes beautiful and often hard. Mental health is no joke.

I don't have flannel sheets and I feel like I'm missing out on a big party!!!
Ernie said…
I'm backing up trying to get caught up on the posts I missed at the end of NaBloPoMo when things sort of got nutty over here. A 5 page letter to an aunt and you cleaned your CPAP machine- your brain should've shut up. I sleep fine in regular sheets, but my husband is a built in furnace. Sweet mother, sometimes I need space. I keep fuzzy socks next to my bed, because when I start sleeping my feet are fine, but if I get up during the night, I need the socks because my feet turn to ice and I can't get back to sleep.

I know my blog is on private temporarily. I sent you an invite in case you still want to visit. If not, no worries. I know this is a busy time of year. I'm behind in every possible way.

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