First World Problems of Various Levels

 First of all, before I unintentionally start a class war, the whole "you get a room even if they have to bump someone" at Titanium status was a throwaway comment made by Matt that I suspect can't really be true. Also, I think this is less a 'rich people' thing than a 'people who spend way too much time on the road' thing. When I researched it a little, it does say that Titanium status means if you book your room 48 hours a head you are guaranteed a room. I think it's much more likely that a few rooms are kept aside and magically appear even if the hotel is 'full'. Also, there are 'terms and conditions', so who the hell knows. At any rate, we almost always book our hotel rooms way ahead, and we would never kick anyone out of their room. Even if we have to say "please do not give us a room if you have to turf someone else out of theirs". 

For the last few years there has been an increasingly bold series of car thefts (SUV thefts) in my little neighbourhood. People wake up to find their vehicles have been taken right out of their driveway while they slept. Our vehicle wasn't on the list of the most popular ones to steal, but last week it was someone we sort of knew who fell victim.

As if that's not alarming enough, there was a news article about several daylight robberies that have taken place here. Four men pull up in a big black truck, knock and if there's no response they force their way in. 

We don't put our vehicle in the garage until the snow falls and Matt clears out all the crap that accumulates in their over the spring and summer. We should, but I'm always in a hurry in the morning and the extra few minutes to open the garage door, back the car out and close the garage door factor in more heavily than they should (yes, I know this is shameful on my part, I am who I am, it's too late to go back).

I often don't answer knocks on the door when I'm home alone unless I know someone I know is coming over. I do sometimes, but sometimes I'm not dressed for human consumption and I can't face talking to someone and I know odds are it's someone wanting to seal my driveway or hound me about fake charitable donations (I am all for charitable donations, to organizations I research carefully ahead of time and usually donate to monthly). Now every time I hear a knock I'm going to think I should rush to the door and make sure they know someone is here. Although what happens when someone comes to the door and sees four guys and a big black truck? Do they pretend they're selling cookies? I'm using humour inappropriately because my husband is hardly ever home right now and I could convince myself to be terrified if I tried, so I'm trying not to. 

I'm not freaking way out over this (mostly). I'm not joining the chorus of "oh, what has become of our safe, wonderful little town". This shit is what it is, times are tougher than ever, and I'd rather hear about increased property crimes than assaults and rapes and murders. I realize this is a nice privileged position to hold, but that's kind of my point, honestly. There's a quote about having more to lose meaning that you have more that I keep thinking about. It's not that I think these criminals are Robin Hood-ing and robbing the rich to give to the poor. They're probably mean, petty little assholes (maybe they have an origin story about some rich jackass stealing their hotel room). So I don't know what my point is, except now when I get home from work I'm pleasantly surprised if my house is unmolested and when I get up in the morning I'm delighted if the vehicle is still in the driveway. 

I had to go to my CPAP supplier and then run a couple other errands today. On the way home there's an ice cream place, and I keep thinking I want to get ice cream and never getting it, so I thought dammit, I'm getting an ice cream cone and I'll drive home with it and I don't care that I hate food touching my face and hands, it will be completely fine. 

(Spoiler alert: It wasn't completely fine).

First of all, I hadn't been to this place for a long time and totally forgot that small isn't small. You have to order extra-small, or mini, or tiny, or don't-terrify-me-with-ice-cream or something ridiculous. Small is AT LEAST medium. Then I didn't really want it dipped, but she said "regular dip or (some other kind of dip)" and I just blanked and picked a dip. The dip is too thick and hard to bite through. 

I felt the first splatters hit my cleavage as I was walking back to the car and I knew I had chosen poorly. It's thirty degrees. I'm wearing a white dress. It's already melting, and every time I bite the coating the ice cream springs new leaks.

I wrapped a few napkins around the cone and thought, fuck it. My dress is washable. The car seats are leather (shit, does that make it more stealable? I told Matt they were too fancy for us). I can wash my face and hands when I get home.

It was a long (not really), melty, comical drive. I licked the cone, I licked the napkins, I licked my hand. I steered one-handed and still got the steering wheel sticky. I had to eat distressingly big chunks of chocolate defensively so they didn't fall in my lap. And I hit every single red light. But I'm old and beyond shame and have no regrets. If anyone saw me through their car window, I hope I gave them a good story. 


Tudor said…
OK - home near-break-in stories - I have three so bear with me (all took place on "normal" weekdays while I was working from home):
1) One day a guy pulled into my driveway, parked there and sat in his car. I kept looking out and he was still there. Finally I went out to ask what the heck he was doing and he freaked out, told me I was blowing his cover, said to get back in the house and he would come explain. Weird, I know. Eventually he came to the door, showed me a Gatineau police badge and said he was watching "bad guys" in our neighbourhood. I have no idea if that was true.
2) Some time later (like months, or even a different year) a guy came to my side door, which is kind of out of sight of the the street. He rang the doorbell and I answered (I know, I know). He asked me for directions to a nearby street. It felt awkward and made up, and I pretended to give him directions and he pretended to care, and I bolted the door behind him. A few minutes later ANOTHER guy came to the side door and I was like "Uh-uh, no way, I am NOT answering this time." He's yelling through the door, "I'm the police. I was watching the other guy who came to your door - he was a bad guy," and I'm yelling, "How do I know?" and he's showing me his badge through the window and I'm yelling, "My brother's a police officer and I'm calling him to see if he knows you!" In the end I think my brother confirmed, yes, guy #2 was police, but the whole thing was bizarre.
3) Another considerable period of time later (months, or a year) ANOTHER guy comes to my side door and rings the doorbell. There's a window and I can see him, but he can't really notice that I'm looking at him. He doesn't look like anybody who has any business being at my side door and I'm gun shy from before, so I think there's no way I'm answering the door. He waits, looks around, turns his back to the door, and slams his whole body weight against it. The door starts to split and I'm thinking Holy Sh*tballs - this guy is trying to break into my house in Westboro at 2:00 in the afternoon! The red mist descends and I scream, "You complete ... (something not very nice)!" He turns around with this look on his face like he's going to have a heart attack and I run out the door after him, shrieking, and screaming, and calling him every name I can think of and telling him he'd better never come back.
All those things on weekdays between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. in Westboro. And that doesn't even mention all the times our neighbours' cars have been stolen out of their driveways, and we've found bags full of other people's possessions thrown up the side of our house (I think the thieves take them out of the cars and chuck them as they drive away). There's this whole parallel world happening which, honestly, I think I'd rather not know about.
I'm not sure how that's supposed to help you. Both not answering the door and answering the door are problematic. Probably having a barky dog is the best option.
Nicole said…
Hahahah you're too funny! Love that photo.
In my old neighbourhood there was a lot of problems with theft of catalytic converters on trucks. It seems like every single day there was a report about it on our facebook page. We also had a homeless guy living in our alley one year. Like, he set up shop right behind my neighbour's fence and just...lived there. Sleeping bag and all. I really felt for him, but also, we gave him a coffee can to put all his cigarette butts in and he never used it, so there were butts everywhere - literally he must have smoked two packs a day - and garbage just piled up around him. I had many mixed feelings about this situation, as you can imagine. And once when the boys were little a guy was at my door, Barkley was going nuts, this guy was just staring in the window at me. Not knocking, just staring. It was incredibly unnerving.
Lynn said…
KILLING IT with the ice cream. I am so very proud of you!

Also I am going to put my life-sized BTS cutouts in the front window now so the thieves of the world think I live with several burly Asian men. It can't lose, right? RIGHT?
StephLove said…
Those break-in do sound alarming. I am a messy eater, so white clothes would be a consideration for me, too. And I'd probably go ahead and have the ice cream anyway.
What a great photo -- and love your unabashed enjoyment of the ice cream. Sometimes you just need to revel in the melt.

Like you, I am reluctant to open the door when I'm not expecting to have to deal with the public. That's really too much to ask.

Favorite bit: "maybe they have an origin story about some rich jackass stealing their hotel room"
NGS said…
Wait. Am I to understand that you don't keep a container of Wet Wipes in your glove box for just this type of ice cream occasion?! YOU NEED TO GET WET WIPES. Ice cream should always be an options, but there's no need for ice cream to be on the steering wheel. I am really yucked out when I have sticky fingers on the steering wheel. (We also have a bottle of Purell in the cupholder in each of our cars, but you don't have to be like us. Although, we ARE cool. We've never bumped someone out of their hotel room, though. NOT COOL ENOUGH.)

Also, I feel like I need to admit that I Googled the term cupholder because I couldn't remember what they were called. Can holder? Beverage thingy? I am not embarrassed enough by this because I'm fully admitting that I looked it up.
Ernie said…
Oh my gosh. I laughed at so many parts of this post. You are a comdedic master.

No joke, I just read this after I walked in from Curly's volleyball game. I drove by a McDonalds on my way home and really wanted to get myself an ice cream sundae. But I didn't. Then I read this and now I realize I chose incorrectly. I love the blow by blow of your ice cream episode. The hard shell springing leaks. Bah ha ha.

The theives are scary. We have a 3 car garage and only one car fits in it. Note to self: stop parking the rusty, 12 seater, Chevy Express van inside the garage. Leave that one on the driveway. No one will EVER try to steal that piece of crap. Not ready for human consumption - hilarious.
"I had to eat distressingly big chunks of chocolate defensively"

This is so funny!

There is a $7 milkshake place that I pass on my way home from just about everywhere. And every time I see it, I want a milkshake but I don't get one. (They are probably $9 per milkshake by now). I think I will have to get one in honor of you.

That's very scary about the thefts and breakins.

Busy Bee Suz said…
Thank you for ending this post with a ice cream story. 😜 I think if you eat ice cream AND YOU DON'T make a mess, it doesn't taste as well. Like a total waste of time.
The break-ins are alarming. Thieves are much more brazen now, right? Not sure if it's the case there, but in the states the police aren't allowed to do much towards thieves so they don't have the concern about getting caught like they used to. (me, not a thief, this is what I think is happening)
Lee said…
Not dressed for human consumption! ������

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