Liminal Spaces

 I feel like I'm in-between in a variety of ways right now. The kids are back at school, but I'm not a true empty-nester, any more than I was a true single parent when Matt was traveling for weeks at a time. Eve will be home in five weeks and they'll both be here for extended breaks at Christmas. I'm not cleaning out their rooms and they both still have dirty clothes in my laundry. This strikes me as a kind of gentle transition period for when they actually have their own places. Right now I can enjoy cooking for just two (or one, more often) for a few weeks and look forward to them coming home.

I'm not working full-time, but I'm working more than I have for quite a few years. This is fine from every point of view except physical. I have a variety of chronic pain/auto-immune issues of which each on their own would be manageable, but all together I'm done in by the end of a work week, sometimes by the end of a work day. I'm doing a few things to try to address most of them, and feeling less panicky than I was by forcing myself to take one day at a time. Sometimes I worry about feeling worse before I actually do, and forget that 1) I only have to do this if I want to and 2) I can do hard things, especially short term. There's a distinct possibility of a strike this school year, in which case I will have the opposite, arguably worse, problem, so I'm going to dig in and try to enjoy the good aspects while I can. 

It's September, but it's hotter this week than it's been for more than August. It was an absolutely terrible time for everyone to have to go back to school - the air conditioning, if there is any, is not remotely equal to combating this kind of heat and humidity. If there is no air conditioning? Inhumane. The libraries have been surprisingly cool, when all winter I'm dying - I guess maybe whatever is happening with the air system happens extra in the library. We've been letting teachers and whole classes come in to escape portables or upstairs classrooms. One poor teacher came in from the portable looking like she'd been swimming. 

We had an inexpressibly (fear not, I will still take a crack at expressing it) lovely Labour Day weekend with Matt's family. Eve had a fantastic last week with friends when her BFF came back from Greece a week before they both headed back to school. It was a wonderful summer and I'm generally ready to try to establish some fall routines (working, cooking, more yoga, writing, attacking house issues, never seeing my husband). I felt much less ready for summer, even though I was looking forward to it, so my traditional fall mood and energy upswing seems to have engaged. Maybe if I force myself to make a doctor's appointment I can work on trying to extend it for more than four months. 

My Facebook memory from this day in 2017 said I didn't find a job but did write this blog post. Now I have four little jobs (the same job at four schools, but I like calling them baby jobs) and am still blogging. Facebook memories have also reminded me that I tend to spin out and question all my life choices and feel terrible about myself at this time of year, which I NEVER REMEMBER. Who'd have thought that after all, something as simple as Facebook Memories would save us all? Well, just me, really. 


StephLove said…
We're having our most intense heat wave of the year, too. We were at Back to School Night (our last BTSN!) last night and every room was either over-air-conditioned or sweltering. I hope the school is more comfortable when the weather changes.

My nest is unexpectedly full now, with Noah home, but his job search doesn't seem to be going well and I feel bad for him, so that takes some of the pleasure out of it.
NGS said…
Labor Day weekend was super hot, but I think that was probably the last of that. It's been cooling down rapidly and yesterday never got out of the 70sF/21-26C.

I find transition times to be somewhat stressful. I know I should live in the moment, but I want to know how things turn out, you know? The middle times are tough. Hang in there!
ccr in MA said…
I look at my Facebook memories every day, and am often startled by what's there. I mean, a million cat pictures, sure, but events that I've forgotten, or didn't remember how long ago they were, that kind of thing. It makes it hard to consider leaving it!
Nicole said…
I had no idea it was so hot there right now! I am REALLY enjoying the weather here. The temperatures are in the mid-twenties during the day and cooling down to around 10 at night. It is just so pleasant. There's no frost. There's no high winds. There's no snow. It's ideal. My facebook memories have been all over the map lately, but one cute one was me and M and his head was right at my hip, he was so small and cute.
Ernie said…
It was crazy hot here a few weeks ago. Like the schools cancelled sport practices. At Notre Dame there are some dorms without AC and Mini was outraged that the University was busy attaching new bits of real gold to the Golden Dome (not sure if there is a technical term for that - re-golding?) but unwilling to put up students staying in the no AC dorms in local hotels for a few days.

I go through a similar WHAT AM I EVEN DOING bit around this time of year, especially when I have a few openings in my daycare that look like they won't be filled all year and I know people like me with college degrees who were career focused back when I wasn't are pulling in serious salaries. It's not easy, but Ed looked at me the other day and was like YEAH, YOU RAISED SIX KIDS. YOU'RE A REAL SLACKER. Plus who would do all the laundry and zip off to take kids to the ortho mid-day and stuff.

That turtle video was eye opening.
Swistle said…
This is the kind of post where I'm nodding and nodding but can't think of how to nod in the comments.
Busy Bee Suz said…
It seems to be so hot everywhere. No one can escape it!
I hope you don't spin out into hopelessness, because there IS much hope. :)

Nice that you all had a last hurrah before School started up again. Enjoy. XO

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