She Don't Lie, She Don't Lie, She Don't Lie

At the first Bluesfest show we were at, we were telling Zarah and Sophie about how Eve's friend Davis was proud of being one of the few students she knew who didn't succumb to the cocaine mini-epidemic at McGill in first year. Just for context, McGill is in Montreal, and there are a lot of wealthy international students who attend. Zarah confessed that, in addition to being too poor, one of the reasons she'd never wanted to try cocaine is that she knew she'd love it.

Honestly, I'd never thought about it, but HELL YEAH ME TOO. I wouldn't need as much sleep. I'd be able to get up early. I'd have more energy for work. My house would probably be a lot cleaner. Is it an appetite suppressant? *googles* HOT DAMN, who really needs a septum anyway. I have never seen or been offered cocaine, to be clear, even when I was hanging with the druggie crowd. In my husband's company's heyday, they were so desperate for line workers that some people were employed for more than one shift under different names, and there was apparently a lot of coke-snorting going on in the bathrooms (see? more energy for work!)

Last summer when Zarah and Sophie came, Zarah brought her pot stash and we sat out in the backyard with the girls - Sophie hadn't ever smoked, Eve had a few times. We had my weed pen and Zarah rolled a joint and we lit the pretty citronella candle Zarah brought me and it was a beautiful day. Sophie never managed to get high (I didn't either the first time), Zarah was happy, Eve got mellow, and I can never tell until I'm tripping balls, but it was fun. We all hit the weed pen really hard, so I was surprised that it still hadn't run out just before they got here this year (I don't use it all that often, obviously).

The day we went downtown was hot and humid and we walked a lot. By the time we went to check out the new store in the Rideau Center we were all tired and sweaty and our feet hurt (or maybe that's just me). One by one we all left the store to go sit on the benches where the husbands wait (this is an enormous generalization that Eve made, but it amused me). Zarah came out after she paid and sat down with us and we tried to decide if we should do more stuff, and I said not unless we could get a drink and some cocaine first. We came home instead.

At the Pitbull show, he would occasionally go backstage and leave the DJ to fill in the space. Eve said he either had to take a knee every time he did a few dance steps instead of just rapping and slapping his dancers' asses, or possibly he was doing cocaine. But then he came out and gave a mini-lecture about drugs, so maybe he was just re-hydrating, or maybe he's a massive hypocrite, who can say.

Before Pitbull we were going to meet our friends at the restaurant, and Sophie said she was having a bit of anxiety about going downtown and then going to the show, and I was too, to I took out the weed pen and Sophie and Eve and I took a couple of puffs - it's half CBD so it was just for a very mild, possibly placebo-ish, anti-anxiety effect. The next night after they left, I sucked on it before bed and only one little light strip blinked, meaning it was empty.

It was kind of a nice full-circle moment. 

In conclusion, stay in school kids, say no to drugs say yes to life, don't fry your brain over-easy, just say cocaine. I mean no. 


Ernie said…
I'm dying at pitbull possibly being a massive hypocrite. I had never considered the upside of coke. I think I will probably still steer clear. I could see myself getting in trouble with drinking vs drugs . . . because at times in the middle of the day a Mike's Hard Lemonade in my fridge just LOOKS really tasty. That could be a slippery slope especially since I babysit.

People using fake names to work extra shifts? That's nuts.

So glad you enjoyed the concert.
StephLove said…
The entirety of my drug use consisted of occasional marijuana and hash in college and a year or so after.

While we were in Oregon, my mom asked me if I'd ever used marijuana and I said yes and then I realized I wasn't sure if North (who was in the car with us) knew that, so I waited for followup questions from either of them and there weren't any. So now I don't know if I should bring it up myself, especially since North recently told me "You know, I'm not always listening to you." Points for honesty there.
Ha! I love the idea of Pitbull popping backstage to do a line and then coming back onstage to lecture everyone against it.

One of the successful scare campaigns my parents undertook was to convince me that it only takes ONE TIME for a drug to kill you. Try cocaine ONCE and it could stop your heart. So I have never tried anything (not even pot) and I am still pretty sure I would have an instantaneous heart attack if I did. I mean, my parents wouldn't LIE to me to get to me to adhere to their rules or anything.

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