Drugs and Driving (Not While On Drugs) and Dolls (Because Barbie Doesn't Start with D)

 I would like to thank everyone who commented on my Cocaine Post, because it sat there commentless for a couple of days which I thought was probably because it posted on a Sunday in July, but possibly was because I had mortally offended every single one of you and you had all vowed never to darken my blog door again. 

Regarding Suzanne's parents trying to Scare her Straight: I actually don't remember getting a Drug Talk from my parents. They drank a fair bit, and they were pretty relaxed about us drinking, which I think had the effect of meaning we didn't go totally insane - not to say there weren't a few blow-out nights and a few punishing hangovers, but nothing extreme. We didn't have a curfew either - we just kind of kept in contact and they trusted us not to be total idiots. 

I confess to being a bit surprised that Steph has done any drugs - I'm not entirely sure why. 

While I'm referring to comments, which I am sometimes bad at answering because I can't figure out the best way to do it - Eve did not buy the creepy doll dress, I thought it looked adorable on her but she said she'd only really use it as a costume. 

Was there anything else? Oh, on D thinking I was pregnant for a second - AAAAAAHHHHHHH, the hilarity and horror. I would be less aghast at the prospect of a grandchild at this point than another child, and I'm just going to skip ahead to avoid feeling the feelings I probably should feel about THAT realization.

Sort of ironically, none of my close friends did any drugs - the only reason I ended up trying anything as a teenager was because of my parents' close friends' daughter who I was sort of forced to hang out with when my parents went to their house. Her crowd was way more into drugs than mine, and it was going out with her that led to my first marijuana experience and ... hold on.... okay, hot knives is also marijuana, I thought it was hash, for some reason. What the heck is hash then, and have I tried it? Oh, hash is just pot in another form, and it probably was hash between the hot knives. Anyway. 

I don't think I actually did any drugs in university, or again until after I'd had my kids and was on a girls' weekend. And then when it was nearly legal and then legal I started trying stuff, and have honestly not found a sweet spot, other than the weed pen I possibly-placebo myself with. 

For years, my friend Collette's plan when she got old was heroin and Virtual Reality, until she found out that heroin makes you itchy, and Collette breaks out in a full-body rash if poison ivy is within half a kilometer of her, so now she needs an alternate plan, or an alternate drug for her plan. 

I can't think of a graceful segue, so a propos of nothing I've mentioned so far, Eve's final driving test in the graduated licensing program we have here in Ontario is tomorrow and she is extremely nervous, not about the driving so much as about the being tested. She's a good driver - way better than any of us thought she would be based on how slow she went in a go-kart and in the golf cart at my mother-in-law's summer house. She's already done one driving test (for the G2, which follows the G1 but then goes to the G, which makes zero sense to me and I can never keep it straight). We were out parallel parking yesterday and she moaned indignantly "HOW can they make me drive on the highway and parallel park ON THE SAME DAY? Those are two completely different skill sets!" I promise I will come back and be honest about whether she passed or not - one of the suggestions we saw about how to be less nervous for the test was "keep it a secret" but, well, we are bad secret-keepers, so agony or ecstasy shall be trumpeted equally.

Angus is only home for one more week, so I am trying to maximize my time with him. Last night we watched Dune, and today when I got home from driving with Eve he was getting ready to walk to Starbucks so I went with him and we had a really great talk about his thesis and his professors and his past few years away. The three of us went to see Mission Impossible (part one, wtf) last week and Wednesday we're going to have lunch on a patio, which will be a celebration or a consolation meal, I guess.

And yesterday Eve and I went with Jody (HI JODY) and Jackson (HI JACKSON) to The Barbie Movie! Eve said we had to wear pink. So we did. 


StephLove said…
I'm not really surprised you're surprised. I think I give off straight arrow vibes and for the most part, it's true.

North wanted to wear pink to Barbie, but the best they could do was a pink scarf and pink boots, worn with purple pants and a magenta top. Not owning any pink clothes, I had a lavender top on, which was at least pastel. Beth did not dress for the film.
Nicole said…
I did a lot of marijuana in my wayward youth, but nothing more than that because of Go Ask Alice, and because of a poster that I saw depicting a young person permanently mentally scarred from acid. Just a couple of years ago, I found out that Go Ask Alice was completely fake, which makes sense if you read it NOW with an adult mind, but when I read it at age 13, all I could think of was how she thought maggots were crawling out of her skin and she ripped out all her hair. You know how I feel about my hair. NO LSD FOR ME THANKS. I haven't done any marijuana in over thirty years, though.
Did you have the "this is your brain on drugs" commercials in Canada? They were an extremely vivid part of my TV viewing years and maybe they are the reason I refuse to eat fried eggs? (Probably it is more that I find the texture of eggs appalling.) I am pretty susceptible to advertising, so that plus my parents' assurance of Certain Sudden Death really sealed the no-drugs deal for me.

Love that you all wore pink to Barbie -- I think it's a law now? I had no desire at all in seeing it, but it's getting so much hype I have had a 180 in interest.

Yay for time with your kiddos!!!
Anonymous said…
My parents didn't do an anti-drug talk, but my school had us write research papers about different drugs when I was about 11 or 12. I was assigned marijuana, and was so angry about having to do the assignment. I was convinced that the librarians would think I was researching because I was planning on using it, which was absolutely not in my plans.

Because we all know that anyone's first step before using a drug is to look it up in the Encyclopedia Britannica, as well as two non-encyclopedia sources....
NGS said…
That fried egg commercial is the reason I desperately asked a nurse in the ER once if there was any way I could deal with a very broken leg without pain medication. My body, my temple! No broken egg brain here! I have a very black and white view of drugs and this has been to my detriment.

Everyone is talking about Barbie. I have a colleague from grad school was collected Barbies and her area of interest was in the power of First Ladies and I bet she is living her very best life right now.
Ernie said…
In 5th grade our teacher told us that bad people were putting stickers laced with LSD in places where kids could get them, like school bus seats. It freaked the shit out of me.

I would have responded sooner to the last post but I am on the art museum bucket list tour with Mini and my uncle. Blog commenting is only happening here and there. A new museum has been added to tomorrow's itinerary. Toledo, here we come.

Glad you are getting to spend some time with Angus. Did you enjoy the Barbie movie? Wishing Collette luck in finding a different drug of choice since she doesn't like to itch. So funny.

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