Vessels and Vegetables

 On the Sunday of the long weekend, we put all the various groups of people together.

First Matt and I drove an hour or so away to see my nephew's rowing competition. We were really happy to get to go to one of his events, since our various siblings have watched a LOT of baseball in support of our kid. 

It was a hilariously poorly organized event - Timothy had only found out the night before that he had a hotel room. We didn't know where to park, we didn't know where to stand, but we were there, and we saw boats with people in them, and we were happy. 

Then we brought the big kids over to Jeremy and Laura's house for a giant Indian food feast. I love how these pictures kind of sketch out the mingling of the groups.

(I feel like Lydia is rocking big "BBC Dad's daughter Marion" energy in this next one):

My sister-in-law Sarah and I were admiring some of the artwork on the walls. There was one in particular that we kept getting stuck on what the caption meant.

"I love you Brokie? I love you Brockle? What could it be?"

Lydia came in from the back yard and we asked her. She looked at us as if we were being mind-bogglingly simple, and said carefully "I love you broccoli". And then we realized we hadn't actually properly looked at the picture. 

Sarah and I  - ninetyish years and three advanced university degrees between us - looked at each other, and were ashamed. Also, is that not the most terrifying broccoli you've ever seen? Like, broccoli that bites you back?

I promise I will have exhausted this weekend in like two, max three, more posts.


Sarah said…
oh that broccoli! hahaha! I love this post because it gives me such hope that my big kids will hang out with us for years to come.
Suzanne said…
I am LOVING your cheery weekend posts and beautiful pictures of adorable children. The broccoli portrait cracks me up. Like, I would not expect "love" to appear on that photo.
ccr in MA said…
I feel that they're trying to ward off the terrifying broccoli by declaring love for it: "You wouldn't kill me, would you? I love you!"
StephLove said…
Fun pictures.

It makes me wish we didn't live all the way across the country from my sister and niece. We've never been to any of her events and my sister has never been to any of my kids' either. Beth's mom lives closer and has made it to several plays, concerts, and graduations.
NGS said…
When I write the grocery list, I always forget how to spell broccoli (it is brocoli brocolli? broccolli?), so from here on out I'm not even going to try and I'm just going to write brokle and it will be a joke for you and me and you won't even know it is happening.
That is terrifying broccoli!
Ernie said…
Lydia's hair . . . I LOVE it. So much. The irate vegetable is hilarious. No wonder her dad offered to stop and get them kale (was that the correct uncle?). They know their veggies.

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