Plague Diaries: Isolation Day 6

Yes, theoretically I have more time to blog now. Practically, I look at my computer with a grimace of distaste and think "what's the point?"

I am trying to overcome this feeling of overwhelming malaise. I am immensely comforted by the fact that we're all going through this together. I've commented on a couple of blogs, agreeing that it would be worse if this was a Terrible Thing that had happened to just one of us, or just one of our children, taking them out of college, derailing their hard-won successes, throwing everything into uncertainty, and then watching the world move on without us/them. That happens, and it must be such a lonely feeling. This is not that.

Eve has said that she's fine if she doesn't go back to school until next year, or even has to take an extra year of high school. "You always said we should still have grade thirteen", she observed, which is true. She is still working on a baffling English project - it's on the Life of Pi, and she had to draw a pie on a giant piece of paper and then fill in each wedge AND the rest of the paper with tiny writing on a variety of themes in the book. I keep wondering if this teacher has super-human vision, because even if she DIDN'T have to try to read it on the photograph that she's now going to be getting it makes my head ache thinking about trying to read that miniscule script. Not surprisingly, Eve is finding it difficult not to procrastinate - she takes frequent dance breaks in my room between wedges of pie.

We are all in self-isolation since Angus came home from New York Tuesday night (five and a half days and counting). Angus hasn't left the house at all. Eve, Matt and I have been out to walk Lucy and have not been within many metres of another person. It's both a little creepy and comforting to know that every day we do this is another day flattening the curve and protecting someone we might have infected (although no one is showing any symptoms, so maybe not on the second). We try to make sure we have a Family Time every day, because we are a family of introverts all processing the current weirdness and our house is spacious enough that we can all hermit excessively if we're not careful. We watched the second of the new Jumanji movies a couple of days ago which was hilarious (The Rock and Awkwafina doing Danny DeVito. Kevin Hart doing Danny Glover. People switching their avatars halfway through - y'all, there were some acting chops on display here). Matt got Eve to watch Escape from Witch Mountain on Disney Plus with him yesterday - oh my god I loved that movie and oh my god it does not hold up remotely. And as Eve said "you can just tell they thought they were KILLING IT."

We did a virtual pub night via GoToMeeting with seven friends. Even with the technical glitches it was pretty awesome. One friend drank four glasses of wine then passed out on the couch beside her husband still in view of the webcam. Some people couldn't stop moving and some people were so eerily still you'd keep thinking they'd frozen. We tried to take pictures of people toasting at the sides of their frames, but then realized that we were all in different screen positions on each other's computers and it was extremely difficult. One friend had to switch to her phone when her husband went to bed in the room with the computer, and on the phone you can only see whoever is talking instead of seeing everyone, and she was also kind of drunk, so she looked baffled and terrified, as if she was in one of those horror movies where everyone is in a group video chat and someone suddenly gets murdered.

Matt spent two days clearing out Angus's bedroom in the basement which was originally a spare room/office before he moved down there. Just as he had set up a good workspace for himself, Angus decided to come home. He has now done basically the same thing in Angus's old bedroom upstairs. I can't find the tweet now, but I saw one that said "You knew women working from home are on the couch with a MacBook Air and a cup of tea and men have a three-monitor set-up and the loudest keyboard they could find at Best Buy". I showed it to Matt. "I only have two monitors" was his defense. It's fine. I've decided when we can go out again I will do all the grocery shopping and anything else because he has to work and we can better afford for me to be sick. And since it's Angus's old bedroom there's a bed in his office if I need to be quarantined (there used to be both a loft bed and a single underneath, which prompted Eve to say "man, Angus has a lot of beds that he never sleeps in).

Okay, turns out I'm just as good at blathering about nothing as I ever was. Whew. Stay safe, friends. Stay away from other people if you can. Go for a walk unless, like here, it's FUCKING SNOWING. Way to add insult to injury, Mother Nature.


Ernie said…
I think you make a good point about us all being in this together. I have been surprised that my college guys have not behaved as if they were severely devastated by things they are missing out on, like Ed's mission trip. I suppose they realize that they are not alone -so many people are missing out on things. Coach's employee had to cancel her wedding that was supposed to be on a cruise ship, for example. Then there are so many kids who had to come home from study abroad opportunities and my guys' 'misses' are not that significant.

The virtual pub sounds very entertaining. Ed just told us a story about a kid who attended a zoom class at U of I today and didn't realize that the camera could see HIM. He was naked and when he stood up, turned around, bent over to pick something up, well - Ed said the other kids' faces attending in the class went to complete shock as he shared the family jewels with them. He saw it on something called bar-stool because someone suggested he check it out (he does not go to U of I) but it has since been taken down. His description alone had us in stitches.

Tank is getting to be very difficult to contain. It snowed here yesterday - like 2 inches, but it all melted and his friends were going to play basketball at a park and I would not let him go. I told him his buddies could come and wave to him from the backyard. I just forced him to turn off The Office and go out on the driveway with his brothers and shoot hoops. Not long before that ends badly, but peace indoors for the time being.

My high schoolers do not have class on Mondays because it is the teachers' planning day. It is Mini's turn to make dinner. She gets teased more than anyone in the family and I hope and pray that she can handle whatever the brothers toss her way tonight after they have eaten her Shepherd's Pie. So Eve is not the only one working on a Pie project - hope they both turn out great!
Nicole said…
"I only have two monitors" - that cracks me up. The Life of Pi project sounds...odd. Although you just reminded me that I own that book so maybe that should be one of my reads. Since, you know, no library.

I would totally be that lady passed out on the couch at the virtual pub and OMG ALLISON ALLISON ALLISON WHY DON'T WE DO A VIRTUAL PUB WHY WHY LET'S DO IT LET'S DOOOOO IT. The biggest advantage of course is I'm in an earlier time zone so when I pass out on the couch at 9:00 it will be 11 at your place and midnight at Hannah's.
StephLove said…
We are still letting North socialize (outside, with one friend at a time) but I'm not sure how much longer we'll keep that rule. The upside is they are getting a lot of exercise because they and their bestie basically just walk around for hours at a time every day.
StephLove said…
To clarify, if we change the rules, it will be to be more restrictive, not less.
Lynn said…
Just chiming in to say we also rented the new Jumanji movie and OMG, I so totally loved it. I could rewatch that one and the original one (by original, I mean the first one with The Rock) over and over. Funny and, as you say, surprisingly excellent acting.

In fact...I think I might watch them again this afternoon!
Busy Bee Suz said…
Yes, we're all in this together; but separately.

I'll have to watch the Jumanji movie on your review alone.

I recall being obsessed with Escape to Witch Mountain when I was a kid; I believe I was just obsessed with the bedroom the kids were locked in (if I remember it correctly) because the room they were locked in was so pretty. So, yeah, my childhood==I'd rather be in a pretty prison than my regular life. LOL

I never thought about it before, but I think you're right, we should have a grade 13.

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