World Trivia Night X

Friday was World Trivia Night, which I realized while I was there is the tenth anniversary of my meeting Lynn (HI LYNN) in person for the first time, which also means we have been doing WTN for ten years, which also means I have been blogging for ten years (and a couple of months.)

Sometimes I mildly resent the importance placed on round numbers - why does everyone want to lose ten or twenty or thirty pounds? Why can't we just lose, like, seven pounds? Or thirteen? "Nice round number" is actually a set phrase for something that represents "a particularly noteworthy quantity of something" and it makes me feel sort of defensive of the other less-nice less-round numbers (which are what? mean flat numbers?)

In spite of this, a ten-year-anniversary for meeting one of my favourite people in the Ottawa blogging scene, and the motley crew that I see once a year at WTV and enjoy enormously, and for starting my blog, which was done with great trepidation and very little confidence (try not to look too shocked) is pretty damned delightful, even if we did achieve our second-worst score on Friday night and even if it was partly because I missed THREE book-related questions (I am pushing the nice round number of fifty years old and the old cerebrum is not what she used to be, and also, Nostromo sounded too much like Nostradamus and I was thinking less "Joseph Conrad's Italian expatriate who rose to his position through bravery and daring exploits" and more "whacky French prophecy guy").

Some of the other categories were: 25 (the answers all had 'quarter' in them - quartermaster, Quarterflash (which I knew thanks to my Saskatchewan cousins); Unfilmable - something about books made into bad movies or authors that didn't want their books filmed. There was mention of someone trying to make Paradise Lost with Bradley Cooper as Lucifer which *visceral shudder* please Milton no, never; the music category, which I'm never great at, but this one wasn't the worst ever; and the last category, which was questions the reigning Jeopardy champion couldn't answer. Turns out he couldn't answer them because they were really fucking difficult. Also turns out our table of 10 was not, in fact, smarter than a reigning Jeopardy champion, just in case anyone was wondering.

Here is my very first World Trivia Night post ever! I actually know how to link to things now because of Mary Lynn (HI MARY LYNN) but if I did I'd have to edit out all the funny stuff I said about not being able to link, so I will let it stand. I also met Julie that night (HI JULIE). It was a really great night.

I also like this post from the next year. It's kind of nice that if something happened in the last ten years and it happened in November I probably blogged about it out of sheer desperation for post-a-day material.

Ten years, ten trivia nights, 1035 blog posts - damn, that is perilously close to a nice round number. And the real prize is the friends we made along the way. Plus we got a medal for winning a category one year, and I'm not entirely sure that Lynn wouldn't trade in a friend or two for a chance at breaking ninety. Just kidding. Sort of (look, she's very competitive, it's one of her most attractive traits). Ten years, Lynn - we should get cupcakes!


Shan said…
This definitely deserves cupcakes. Also we have been going to a regular Monday night trivia thing and there is one team there that we just cannot beat. We've come second a couple of times, but these guys consistently come in first. Mike may be considering a whole new family just so he can beat them one time. They are actually perfectly lovely and friendly people, just way smarter than us in all things.
Ernie said…
I am SO bad at trivia that reading this makes my palms sweat. Sounds like you are a master. And making friends along the way sounds like a great bonus.
Lynn said…
Actually I have to say - I was so surprised that it was *only* 10 years. It feels like I have known you forever. Haven't I?

And 10 years of blogging is no small feat. Have you saved any of your posts? Ever other year or so I bind my posts into a book and I love leafing through them and looking back. I can get so lost in my own archives! I hope you save them for the future.

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