I Don't FEEL Like Writing

Or doing much of anything, if I'm being honest. I'm done all but three and a half hours of my work placement and I was looking forward to a quiet week with Matt gone AGAIN, but I kind of miss working, and I can't settle to any wholehearted loafing and it's been mostly too cold to walk much (yes, I do have a treadmill now that you mention it, how kind and helpful, shut up). I went to a Lumineers (and Kaleo, swoon) concert with friends that was wonderful even way up in the cheap seats, then I had book club, which was great, and not only because I actually managed to go to the right house this month (don't ask), and yesterday I finally started cooking again after a few weeks of an absolutely pathetic showing in the kitchen. I also made a couple of significant phone calls, to book driving hours for Angus and pay off a forgotten FedEx taxes and duties bill, so, you know, that used up a fair number of spoons. I still have to make a doctor's appointment for me, make dentist appointments for everyone, make an appointment for Eve to get orthotics and *goes fetal with hands over ears* THAT'S TOO MUCH TELEPHONE.

I picked up Eve and two friends from after-school play rehearsal today and took them to Wendy's. They regaled me with tales of their sex education class where they were asked to list reasons why someone might practice abstinence and why they might decide to have sex. Someone had left a paper behind with answers on it: answers on why to abstain included "penis petit (small penis)" and "si tu es un enfant de Dieu (if you are a child of God)". Answers on why to have sex were "penis gros (large penis)" and "I like getting girls pregnant and runnig (sic) away". Ladies and gentlemen, our tax dollars at work. I told them about book club last night - let's just say that if you bring accidental-dong biscotti to book club, I AM going to be immature and giggly about it and make inappropriate comments until you fervently wish you'd just gone with cannoli (apparently the apple doesn't fall far from the tree).

Angus passed his driver's ed and starts his ten driving hours next week. His BFF since nursery school got his G2 on the week-end and showed up to pick up his younger brother from school after band, resulting in Eve pointing and screaming "OMG, NOAH'S DRIVING - oh, he saw me, he doesn't look impressed".

And now it's 8:41 and I'm not sure where the day has gone yet again. I did just throw out an empty carton of buttermilk, having used it all on four magnificent batches of biscuits. Often I forget about it and end up pouring some out. So there's that.


StephLove said…
I love that Angus has had the same BFF since nursery school. I am so fond of June's BFF since kindergarten. I was gushing to her mom yesterday about how much I love her daughter until it felt weird and awkward and I stopped.

It sounds like you are pulling out of your funk, little by little.
Lynn said…
It continues to amaze me - although it shouldn't - how rambling posts of yours are 10x more entertaining than anything else on the web. Don't ever stop rambling!

I highly recommend finding doctors and dentists who let you book by email. Our doctor has gone to this format and it is LIBERATING. I can email them that I need an appointment for so-and-so for whatever reason, and suggest say, a few different times (I can next week Monday between 8 and 12, or Wednesday after 3, or anything on Thursday) and they will email me back a suggested and time and BAM, we have an appointment and no one had to hold a phone to their ear.

THIS is why the internet was invented, people.
Kathleen said…
I'm applauding the major achievement there: finishing the buttermilk.
(I have a secret weapon in that department - my husband, who actually drinks the stuff - but I completely know what you mean.) And, yes, it is so an accomplishment. There IS that.

But I'm really writing, when I should be working, because I HAD to say that:
"(yes, I do have a treadmill now that you mention it, how kind and helpful, shut up)" made me laugh out loud and I really needed that. Parentheticals for the win!

Thank you.
Hang in there, it sounds like "things" are on an up-swing.

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