Turning It Off Then Back On

Apparently that's what the universe decided to do to me, hence the accidental hiatus. I finished my year-end book review (rather triumphantly, I thought), went for a physical and got a (more-or-less) clean bill of health, then was immediately felled by three or four passing opportunistic viruses. You know that moment when you finally realize that stumbling around trying to pretend you can still cook stuff and keep a reasonably orderly house and parent your children and put words together in order is just pathetic and is fooling no one and it's a giant relief to go to your bedroom and collapse and snarl at anyone who ventures near without a root beer popsicle or a strong sedative? No? Just me?

In the midst of the first virus, I proved how much I love my daughter by taking her to the mall for a birthday shopping trip. While sick. On a Friday. On a P.D. Day. In winter. I further demonstrated my devotion when the last small size of a shirt she wanted wasn't on the shelf, so I dismembered a mannequin to get it. I don't think she appreciated that quite as much (hey, it could have been worse, it was still wearing a bra).

In the midst of the second virus (the barfing kind) we got fifty centimetres of snow in one day and the city ground to a halt, so I was slightly grateful to be stuck inside by default (although I would have been more grateful if I was stuck inside lounging with a glamorously feverish glow in a bed jacket rather than with my head in the toilet). And I did just type 'greatful' the first time, proving that I'm not quite back up to optimal operating parameters. My husband left for Japan on Saturday, so I'm also grateful (GRATEFUL, goddammit) that I'm at least upright this week (for the next storm that's supposed to hit tomorrow).

Missed you all. Happy to be back.


Hannah said…
I'm picturing feverish you ripping the arms off a mannequin LIKE A BOSS and I just want to hug you, or at least fling root beer popsicles from a safe distance.
Alison said…
Glad you are feeling better after your "hard reset."
StephLove said…
Im glad to hear you are on the mend.
Anonymous said…
I'm glad you are feeling better. Yuck the bugs have been just awful. My daughter was down for over a week starting on the 13th (poor kid always gets sick for occasions - this was a double whammy with Valentine's Day and Heritage Day, to boot.), missed 5 full days of school and was inert for almost all of that time. Not good.

I love that you would disrobe a mannequin for your baby. That's fierce!
Kim said…
Oh, my god, that sounds just hideous. I'm glad it's starting to turn itself around. I've been meaning to harvest your end-of-the-year lists for some book suggestions and I'm glad (grateful!) they're all ready for me.

Love and popsicles *hug*
Nicole said…
Missed you, and glad you're feeling better. xoxo
Julie Leclair said…
YEAH!!! glad you are back. missed you. and has Eve be appropriately G-R-A-T-E-F-U-L for you heroic efforts?
Ms. G said…
Hope the storms-both kinds-have passed!

"pretend you can still cook stuff and keep a reasonably orderly house and parent your children and put words together in order"

I've given up on this in general. No germs necessary : )

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