Pieces (Parts?)

In my university residence, there were two guys named Andrew. I knew one of them had a glass eye, but I could never keep straight which one it was, so whenever I was with one of them, especially if there was alcohol involved, I was always stealing surreptitious glances at their eyes trying to figure out if one was fake.

In one of my Comp Lit seminars, there was a guy with one arm. When he wore a shirt with the guy from A Clockwork Orange on it to class one day, I realized he looked almost exactly like the guy from A Clockwork Orange. A few times the class went out for drinks, but I was always afraid to get drunk around him because I was terrified that I would blurt out an insensitive question about what happened to his arm. Which, in retrospect, probably wouldn't have been that big a deal and he probably got asked all the time. But back then, many things seemed like a big deal that probably weren't.

Also, it's possible that I drank too much.


Julie Leclair said…
I would have been more afraid that he would do weird things to me like tape my eyeballs open.
slow panic said…
oh, the good old days......
Nicole said…
One of my favourite scenes in one of my favourite books, Diary of a Provincial Lady, is when she is on the train and she sees a man resembling an "Arthur Watts drawing" who is reading a copy of "Punch" and she wonders if there is an Arthur Watts drawing in it and if he sees the resemblance and if so, what his reactions are, either of pain or gratitude. This post reminded me of that scene.

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