Scary Stuff
At one time, I could stick them in a pumpkin patch and ask them to pose, and they would do this.
Or this.
Their costumes were adorable.
That was then. Now they have their own ideas, or insist on going to the annual Halloween party dressed as a smart-ass pun.
Or with a fragment of a zombie costume thrown over a Superman UnderArmour shirt. (With a friend who went the 'black hoodie/scary mask' route, so at least we're not alone)
Hmm, I wonder what they're really here for.
Adorable Shaun of the Dead to break the lame teen-aged monotony:
Shot roulette!
I should mention that the red ones were non-alcoholic.
Eve got prepared to carve her pumpkin and then said "Where's Angus?" I said "He has homework. And adolescent disaffectedness."
I usually avoid/complain/loathe the school Halloween dance - much like the school barbecue, I always end up wandering around wondering why there are so many people at the school that I know and yet I can't find a single one of them, feeling like a giant loser. This year I decided to go graciously because it's Eve's last year at the school. Naturally it was painless - nearly fun, actually, just to drive that pre-nostalgia stake in a little deeper.
A Tardis and a something-or-other from Minecraft that closely resembles a tiger
I also went with the crowd of crazy Greeks over to Riverside South to shepherd the kids house-to-house, which I haven't done for a couple of years. Our street is kind of lame at Halloween. This street was....not.
It was actually pretty fun - the kids don't need much supervision at this age, and it sort of beats having the doorbell ringing every damned time you sit back down in front of the tv.
So, it's not this:
But this doesn't suck either.
You have adorable kids.
Halloween was really fun this year. The kids helped make/plan their costumes and they turned out great. I had an Angel and a Clumsy Ninja. The weather was the best. We lucked out.