It's the Day After Angus's Fourteenth Birthday

So here, have a bunch of pictures of Angus.


The Thug Life








"I think if human beings had genuine courage, they would wear their costumes every day"
~Douglas Coupland


























Happy Birthday, Dude. I still think you're super. 


Shan said…
Happy the day after Angus's birthday!
Nicole said…

Awwww. This is so sweet. Love the superhero costumes.
StephLove said…
How do our babies do that? Turn into young men, I mean.
Lynn said…
Oh man...sunrise, sunset. He looks like such a young man in those last few pictures. SNIFF.
StephLove said…
Forgot to mention-- the Superman t-shirts remind me of my dad. He had one in the 70s he wore all the time until it was ragged and my mom suggested my sister and I buy him a new one for Father's Day or his birthday or something and we did. He liked it and wore it but he didn't stop wearing the old one, which was obviously my mother's ulterior motive.
Hannah said…
Beautiful. What a smile he has.

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