Juvenile humour

So today in the kids' advent calendar hat/stocking thingies I put chocolates and two of these cookie cutters, so we could make ornament cookies tonight:

I can't for the life of me decide if I should let them use this one or not. What would you do?


Nicole said…
Is that...a candle?
Mary Lynn said…
Awwww! Lynn said what I was gonna say!
Anonymous said…
I'm not sure I could bring myself to hand that to my kid. But I would totally make a few with it myself, just for sheer entertainment value.
The Mayor! said…
Ummmmm....well...I....yeah....frankly, I'm with Amber, it would offer huge entertainment value in my house. Even for my kidlets, who would definitely recognize & crack wise on that very phallic whatever the f**k it is. BUT, making them is one thing, not a chance in hell I'd let them put them in their mouths...seriously now!

HA! :-D
Sandra said…
Not only would I use it to make the cookies, but I'd give a very descriptive explanation of its purpose in the reproduction phase of how babies are made!...but that's just me...I don't want to sound like I'm telling you what to do :)
OMG!! I love you so much for making me laugh so hard at this post. I would so make those cookies.
Oh dear. That did make me laugh. They're great cutters :)
Shan said…
Oh that is perfect!
Pam said…
So?... How did the cookies turn out? Did you use it and practice safe baking? Just checking.
Alicia said…
I laughed out loud when I saw this exact set at Winners today after reading your post earlier.
Anonymous said…
need you ask.
Patti Murphy said…
What Pam said. Safe baking. Did you have a ball?
Magpie said…

Save it for a bridal shower.
SuziCate said…
If you do make them...we'd love photos of how you decorated them!

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