Stay Funny, My Friends

Funny? You want funny? Yesterday I stood in the pouring rain to watch my son run one hundred metres. You know how long it takes to run one hundred metres? Not long -- less than a minute. You know how long I stood there WAITING for him to run one hundred metres? Ninety-seven minutes. He's in grade four. He's a boy. They ran two heats of grade six girls. They ran two heats of grade six boys. They ran two heats of grade five girls. They ran two heats of grade five boys. We got the cameras ready -- we figured, a couple heats of grade four girls and we're golden. They inexplicably sent down a bunch of really SHORT boys, who turned out to be in grade THREE. They ran EVERYBODY ELSE that was there and looked like they might be in the mood to run one hundred metres. THEN they ran the grade four boys. I didn't think this was that funny, but Angus was fairly amused.

Last week-end Angus had a baseball tournament at a diamond that's right beside a water park, so I said I would take Eve over to the water park for part of the game. I grabbed a beach towel out of the linen closet before we left, not paying attention to what was on it.

Elmo was on it.

Eve was not impressed. She is SEVEN now, MUCH too old to be parading around wrapped in ELMO. I tried to convince her that she could wear it ironically -- I think it was a little too soon, we'll try that when she's fourteen. Finally I said "Look, all that really matters is that it gets you dry.". She said "WRONG. All that really matters is that it's popular!" Ah, love it when we really nail those values.

Also, Eve's had a bit of cold for the last few days. She doesn't feel bad, but she's very hoarse. We keep making her do Marge Simpson impersonations for our amusement. Seriously. She sounds just like this.

For something funny that doesn't involve mocking myself or my kids, there's this. It's been out for a while, but as far as I'm concerned, it's timeless. In a twentieth-century sort of way.


The Mayor! said…
Bahahahahaha, love the video! And holy crap, can I just tell ya, The Diva is 7 next week, & would absolutely explode if I tried to make her use Elmo...or Dora...or Barbie...stinkin' brat, I pulled out all her sister's old shoes that should fit her now, had a pile of near a dozen shoes there, she says THIS, before even looking or trying on....Mom, I'm gonna make 2 piles, ones I will NEVER EVER wear, & ones I MIGHT wear....she wound up trying on ONE pair....& I wound up buying her new shoes. Little beeyotch....

Thnx for joining the fun, I love Friday!
Anonymous said…
Elmo, making kids uncool everywhere.
Mary Lynn said…
Oh man, I guess this is where I'll be in a year or two. Hana's still not overly concerned with being COOL quite yet.

Standing in the rain to see your son run: you are a GOOD mom!
Anonymous said…
I remember being 7 and feeling that way. But I don't think I'm ready to have a 7-year-old of my own. The social conventions they feel compelled to follow make me sort of sad.
Pam said…
Nothing makes me roll in the aisles more than watching kids do sports in the rain. Ha ha! It never gets old.

Loved the tripod clip. I hadn't seen that before.

Elmo rules! (Not really. What were you thinking?!?)
Rosemary said…
I've seen the clip before but it still makes me smile. Can you believe I actually bought the Lord of the Rings online game for my husband? He stumbles into bed some nights past one, it's addictive. Ah, could be worse :)
Alexandra said…
This is EXACTLY what 7 is all about...

Followed you over from The Mayor.
Pamela said…
I'm kind of looking forward to the day my son doesn't love Elmo, or Franklin or any of those other annoying characters! But at the same time, I'll probably miss it too:)
Anonymous said…
My son has just outgrown Buzz Lightyear - and I'm devastated. Ok...maybe I'm devastated because *I* haven't out grown Buzz. (Only 4 more days until Toy Story 3!)
SuziCate said…
Elmo's not cool anymore?! gosh, guess I better upgrade my products! Amazing how they move up so quickly...just wait until it's one of those preteen idols. I'm so out of it I can't even name one. I would so be the uncool mom!
KLZ said…
Look, I hate Elmo. Hate. Whiny voiced little whiner.

That said, I would still go nuts. You need to be DRY! DRY! Not concerned about what furry faced little whiner is covering your back.

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