Tune in next week for a hilarious malignant brain tumour!

Flipping through the TV listings on Digital Cable I come across:

Rules of Engagement: Audrey is falsely accused of sexual harassment. Comedy.

Riiight. Cause nothing says a laugh a minute like a hostile workplace environment and having your reputation ruined by trumped-up allegations. Gimme a W. Gimme a T. Gimme a F. ????


Pamela said…
You crack me up! It is funny what some people consider comedy, through. Oh, by the way, I've awarded you with 2 awards here:
Come on by when you get a chance:)
Anonymous said…
That may just be one of the worst program descriptions EVER. WTF, indeed.
Mary Lynn said…
Okay, that does not at all sound like a laugh-riot to me.

On the other hand, it did remind me of one of my fave movie descriptions of all time, which I believe was originally printed in the TV listings of a newspaper in somewhere in California:

"Transported to a surreal landscape, a young girl kills the first person she meets and then teams up with three strangers to kill again."

Movie? The Wizard of Oz.
Amber Dusick said…
Oh boy, I'm guessing you could have fun with a TV show descriptions series! I'm not much of a TV watcher...this just reinforces it.
Julie said…
agh! sometimes it just baffles the mind doesn't it?

wtf indeed.

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