Happy Anniversary to my friend the hooker

Cool thing number one: I actually remembered what I'm supposed to blog about today.

Cool thing number two (WAY cooler than thing number one): My friend CJ at Don't Lick the Ferrets and her T21 Traveling Afghan Project. Today is the one-year anniversary of the project, which has a hand-made (by CJ) afghan traveling all over the world to different families who have a family member with Down's Syndrome. The afghan travels with a journal and photographs of everyone who spends time with it.

I love everything about this project. I worked with quite a few people with Down's Syndrome in my days with the Associations for Community Living in Sudbury and Hamilton. Without wanting to romanticize or idealize their condition -- many of them have serious health problems -- they are the sweetest, funniest, most genuine people you will find on the face of the earth. CJs daughter is the cutest little button ever.

I also love the traveling aspect. All the people of this community sending on this object, made with love, along with their own experiences, hopes, joys and wishes. It's not often that you come across something so pure, something that puts a little more beauty and joy into the world, without sucking anything out. I'm happy to spread the word. Pass it along, if you're so inclined, and help keep the happy hooker hooking happily.


Anonymous said…
This is such a great project!

(Also, admit it. You took a little bit too much joy in referring to CJ as 'the happy hooker', didn't you? Because I would, too, I'll admit it.)
Pam said…
Great project! Congratulations to CJ on this endevour. What a nice way to connect and bring "warmth" to the recipients and families. Thanks for sharing it Allison.
Julie said…
What an incredible project. And the look of such happiness faces of the kids and their afghans. awesome.
Anonymous said…
That is an awesome project! I love that you call her the happy hooker!

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