Okay, as an experiment it lacks a certain grandeur...

A few days ago I was at Farm Boy and they had a bunch of maple smoked salmon, which I love, so I picked up a package even though it didn't fit anywhere on the menu for the next few days, and I try not to buy things that don't have an immediate use, so they don't go bad and get wasted. I stuck it in the refrigerator. A couple of days later I was getting something out of the fridge and I happened to glance at the package and saw, in teeny-tiny letters, the admonition to "keep frozen".


I looked at it. It was vacuum-sealed! I was under the impression that you could vacuum-seal things for hundreds of years and open them after nuclear winter had passed and they would be fresh as a veritable daisy. It must still be good. It didn't look bad. I couldn't quite bring myself to crack it open, though. Rotten fish smell, plus the admission that I had bought something without having a clear idea of when and with what nutritious side dish it was going to be served.... the horror! the horror!

So I can't bring myself to open it, and I can't bring myself to throw it out. There it sits, neither definitively good nor bad.
photo credit
Creative Commons License

Schrodinger's Salmon is alive and well (or not) and living (or being dead)
 in my refrigerator.

Yep -- slow news day.


Anonymous said…
I will ignore food such as this until it's so clearly past its prime that I can discard it guilt-free. And I will sometimes chuck a perfectly good container along with it for fear of the smell. Whatever it takes to get you through, right?

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