
Thanks is Most Fervently Given

 Eve came home! We had Thanksgiving dinner! Then Davis came home, and Jackson came over, and then I took Eve and Davis and Jackson to the pumpkin patch for the annual Pumpkin Patch Photo Shoot and Pumpkin Selection for Painting (missing Marianna and Alison, but we do what we can). Then we had a second Thanksgiving dinner at Davis's! This stream of days has bestowed gift after gift. Friday while Eve was en route home on the train I went to a massage therapy appointment with a woman recommended highly by Collette (HI COLLETTE). I have left side neck pain that's been an issue for over a year now, and veers between bad and agonizing. Sometimes I kind of forget about it and then realize that I am extra cranky or feeling depressed, and then I realize I'm just in pain. I've done physio, I've done yoga, I've tried various painkillers, I stretch every night, and nothing makes a dent. I have started trying to settle into just living with it, but Ruth is adamant that we wi

Smile and the World Gives you a Mammogram

I was in a group chat with friends the other day when we all started inadvertently reminding each other of the appointments we were overdue for - teeth cleaning, boob-smushing, eye doctor, bloodwork, etc. It's some kind of bullshit that these have gone to appointments my mom would take me to to appointments I take my mom too. I was about to call the medical imaging place that was supposed to get back to me about a repeat breast ultrasound (it should be fine, it's closing the loop on the biopsy I had that was clear), and then I realized I could email. This was awesome because I didn't have to talk to someone. Since I didn't have to make the phone call (one or two a day is my absolute limit), I called for a dentist appointment. Is it just me, or is there absolutely no good time for a dentist appointment? I blithely make them six months ahead and then as they draw nearer I start to feel a formless dread. Summer is bad because we're doing fun summer stuff. Winter is bad

Friday Randoms Grab Bag: One Bag at a Time

 Today I didn't feel like doing a whole room or cupboard or even drawer, so I decided to just do a bag. I have a (bad?) habit of cleaning up a place and throwing everything I don't immediately know what to do with in a bag to deal with later, then.... not dealing with it until much, much, much, much, MUCH later. Swistle commented on one of these posts that she was feeling inspired by the decluttering, which is funny because HER post about just getting rid of one or two things a day is what inspired me in the first place. The last bag I emptied was odd and random, but at least had stuff that sort of made sense. The number of old receipts and empty pill bottles in this one was embarrassing (although satisfying because I could just throw them out). When I cleaned out my bottom bathroom drawer I found something mystifyingly called 'face primer' - to be applied to clean and moisturized skin before applying makeup. So, this stuff neither cleans nor moisturizes and is NOT mak

The Knight of the Sorrowful Face

 I mistakenly typed double-ws instead of double-rs, which would have been The Knight of the Sowwowful Face, which reminded me of that "mawwiage" scene from The Princess Bride, so now I'm giggling to myself like a psycho.  I have historically not responded to comments on this blog in the comments, because I can't figure out if anyone would actually know that I replied. This is vexing, because I often do want to respond to comments, and I sometimes do in the next post, but this feels sort of awkward. Engie and Sarah respond to comments in the comments, and they are both on Blogger as well, so let it be known that I will hereby BE responding to comments in the comments. If you ask me a question, I will do my best to answer it, but I guess you will have to come back to the comments to see the answer - if that's too big a pain in the butt, no worries at all. But for now, I will answer some recent questions in this post (mwaha-ha, keeping you on your toes).  To answer P

Five For Friday

 Really just Friday randoms (un)cleverly disguised.  1. Tiresome health stuff: yesterday was exactly three weeks in and I THINK I have managed to mostly quell the cough without having to go to the doctor. I looked it up and realized I was over-using my blue inhaler, so started using it once in the morning, once at night and two other times spaced out during the day. Instead of getting off the cold meds as soon as I felt I could, I took some morning and night for a solid week. I stopped the narcotic cough syrup two nights ago and have still slept pretty well. The only thing I hate is that if I start coughing in the night, the only thing that stops it is having a Strepsil lozenge even while I sleep. Assuming I don't choke to death, I cringe at what this is probably doing to my teeth, but I can't really see a good alternative. This seems to have forestalled the cough getting as bad as it did in January, when I regularly coughed until I threw up or nearly displaced a rib. My mom di

Friday Randoms - Coughing and Cleaning

1. I'm still kind of sick. By which I mean I go stretches of a few hours when I feel almost normal, and then I erupt into an alarming booming cough with a whistle at the bottom of it, my eyes start watering so I can't see properly to try to fumble an inhaler and a cough drop out of my purse, and everyone in my vicinity flees for dear life. It's.. not great. I forgot to take a mask into the grocery store on Monday after work (because I had been normal for a couple of hours) and I felt like an asshole when I started coughing in the produce aisle and couldn't stop. I got out and made sure to put masks in my purse for next time. I'm not sure what else I can do. I just looked up how often I can use my salbutemol inhaler, and I've been using it too much. I'm going to try an around-the-clock dosage of cold meds for a couple of weeks - my airways are small and constrictive, and my nose and nasal passages are small and I have a bone spur behind one orbital ridge (sor

It's Too Darn Hot

 I titled the post that as an homage to a number from Kiss Me Kate , which I saw performed at McMaster thirty years ago. I'm sure you can all appreciate that in actuality I am using a much less-cute adjective. I had an awesome Saturday. I went to the Carp Farmer's Market, which I've been meaning to do pretty much since we moved here, with two friends. It was super fun, but dear god it was HOT. I would like to go back and amble around buying scones and honey and looking at pottery and having bacon on a bun some time when sweat isn't running down the backs of my knees. I got some gorgeous flowers for my mom, since we were taking them out for their birthday dinners that evening - their birthdays are next weekend but Matt left for Arizona and Germany yesterday. After dinner we watched the last two episodes of A Gentleman in Moscow. Do you have shows you only watch with your husband and shows you watch alone? When they were network shows there would be enough episodes to ca