Wordless Wednesday: Reasons I'm Glad I Married Him #176

He comes home from the grocery store seven days before Christmas, when all the decorations are deeply discounted,

Unloads the groceries, then wanders around the house with an enormous plastic tube, saying



Julie said…
i don't mean to be so forward, but i really like your husband's giant balls.
Magpie said…
Every year, I unpack the box of enormous Polish balls that my MIL brought back from Poland, and make many remarks about said enormous Polish balls.

(My husband is half Polish.)
Nicole said…
Glad to see those giant balls are not blue.

You had me at "unpacks the groceries". What I would give to have someone unpack groceries.
Gwen said…
LOL...if he has balls that big, he DESERVES to show 'em off!
Amber said…
LOL. Did he buy them just to be able to say that? I *just* had a conversation with my husband about a toy I'm considering for my son but worried about the size of the balls and that they could pose a choking hazard. Much hilarity ensued. Tis the season for Schweddy Balls! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXSyzeVWueI
Anonymous said…
He's a keeper, for sure. ;)
Kelly Miller said…
Love it! I have balls on the mind as I made sausage balls for the first time. I can't even remember all the ball puns my guy came up with!
Your husband's balls are the best.
Ms. G said…
Ha! You got it made lady!
Pamela said…
Teehee - you gotta love a man who can make a good balls joke:)
Sandra said…
I think we're married to the same man...and how come you say "balls" on your blog and I don't get a warning appearing before I log into here? I think there is unfairness going on in bloggerville and I am being unjustly targetted...just because I say penis and nipple every once in a while...sheesh...
Seriously though, your husband has some nice balls.
Betsy B. Honest said…
I'm just shocked my husband hasn't purchased a sleeve of giant balls for that reason. I mean, that's why we own dryer balls.
Anonymous said…
LOL! I spewed my tea at that last line! I'm glad you married him, too. Gives you some great posting material to share with us.
Anonymous said…
OMG how did I miss giant balls!? I just want to come live with all of you.

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