That's a Wrap

  It's that time in the party where everyone has had a wonderful time, but now the hour is late, the wood cabin incense is almost empty

people are wearing chip clips on their nipples 

and Dungeons and Dragons underwear on their heads

or using the ottoman trays as cod pieces

Or sitting on top of other people

(okay, as it turns out, by 'people' I mostly mean 'Dave')

and the remaining revelers straggle homeward at 2:38 a.m.

Our friends' annual Christmas party was early this year for various reasons, and at first it seemed too early and felt weird and awkward. But of course it was a wonderful time, and a good way to get the Christmas season started, and kind of perfect that it was on the last day of NaBloPoMo. We've been incredibly fortunate in our real-life friends, and I've been equally grateful to walk with all of you here this month. We walked every day in October with Elisabeth! We posted every day in November with San! Maybe for December we should hahahahahaha jk, somebody punch me in the face if I ever suggest an everyday activity for December that isn't just surviving. 

Yesterday was cold but clear, but today we got some snow. 

We just had my parents over for Vietnamese, and I drove them home and looked at the Christmas lights. My mother suggested I should maybe not wear flip-flops since there was snow on the ground, which was a solid point. I am puttering while watching Snakes on a Plane (I guess I should switch to more seasonal fare) and then I'm going to get in bed with a book and a dog.

Peace out, friends. 


Nicole said…
Congrats on another NaBloPoMo! I feel like this must be your 15th or something?
Elisabeth said…
So fun! I had no idea until I saw your comment on San's blog you had done this every year. WOW. That's so impressive. (I'm sure you already mentioned this on your blog, but I missed it).

We also had snow yesterday. I had zero idea snow was in the forecast so I was in for a BIG surprise when I opened the curtains. Thankfully it's sunny today. It has been rainy and overcast for about a month and I was so, so over it. I don't love snow, but it's a lot prettier than rain in November.
Bibliomama said…
I think you're bang on!
Bibliomama said…
I would not expect anyone to know or remember that - I did miss a few days one year when we went to Mexico and I tried to post by couldn't connect.
The rain in November was really getting me down too. I like a little bit of snow that sticks on the trees, doesn't have to be shoveled and causes no traffic disruption.
NGS said…
Woot woot! You did it! And managed to fit in Lucy on most days, which I deeply appreciate. You know that I think every Lucy photo is just for me, right?
J said…
Perhaps I should start the December 'breathe' challenge. If you breathe at least once every day in December, you succeed. What do you think?
maya said…
I think Jules is on to something here...

Allison--before I opened up your post, I thought the wild party shenanigans were notional--NO! You have PIX!!!!
Bibliomama said…
They are, like, eighty-seven percent for you.
Bibliomama said…
I really, really like it.
Bibliomama said…
Ha ha ha ha, that is enjoyable. The group I run with generates no shortage of entertaining photo evidence, lucky for me.
Jenny said…
I'm laughing at your crazy notion to do some sort of challenge for December. NO, just surviving will be enough! Congrats on completing NaBloPoMo!

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