I've been tired and achy all week. On Monday I came home from work and everything hurt so much I sort of just sat on the couch or limped around until I could take a bunch of Advil and go to bed and put pillows under my knees and behind my back and read until I went to sleep. When this happens it's hard not to get into an icky self-pitying spiral. I made a list of anti-inflammatory foods. I contemplated ordering purported pain-relieving essential oils. I complained to my sympathetic friends. I slept well and did a good yoga session Tuesday morning and then took it kind of easy for the rest of the day, and I felt better. And I realized that I just had a bad day, and every day won't be like that. My massage therapist says I should go to a rheumatologist and get formally tested for fibromyalgia, but I'm not sure I see the point. My old doctor thought I had it, but when I google it now it still says there's no way to definitively diagnose it, so what would be the point?...