In Recovery Of Various Sorts

 I just went for a walk with Lucy. We are having wholly unseasonable spring-ish weather and while everyone else has been rhapsodizing about it I've been sort of obstinately sullen, partly because I don't feel like having to go sleeveless to be comfortable already but mostly because of an unattractively self-righteous sense of WAKE UP PEOPLE THIS IS NOT A GOOD THING. I've been dimly aware that this is dumb for a number of reasons, but principally because my being a churlish malcontent doesn't CHANGE the weather one iota. And today I woke up and the window was cracked and the light and the air were delicious so I decided to get over myself. 

Wore a t-shirt. Was still too hot by the end.

A few weeks ago a blog friend said she was not going to discuss a difficult family situation because that didn't fit in with what she wants her blog to be, which is a cheerful place to talk about books and pets etc. I thought oh shit, does that mean I shouldn't be putting heavy stuff on my blog? Not that I usually discuss big world events, because other people do that with more insight and intellect than I can, and I recognize that a lot of it would be ineffective hand-wringing. But I do talk about depression semi-frequently. Should I stop? 

Then I thought, I'm doing it again. She's talking about HER blog, she didn't say anything about MY blog. 

I've accepted in the past few years that I am not nearly as neurotypical as I always thought I was. Mostly this has been a welcome realization because it explains a lot. I've become really good at masking, which works in most situations, but the core issues are still there, and every now and then the mask slips. I've always had a really hard time just admiring someone close to me without this frequently translating to thinking I have to be exactly like them, down to really ridiculous details. The first year or two I knew Collette (HI COLLETTE), every time she was making me tea and she asked how I took it I'd say "same as you", thinking that I would be happy enough drinking it clear, or with a little milk and/or some sugar. Finally she looked at me and said "just tell me WHAT YOU WANT IN IT". Once I was talking to my neighbour back in the days when we were friendly but not really good friends yet, and she said she was 36 and I said "me too" I WAS NOT THIRTY-SIX I WAS THIRTY-FOUR.

Anyway. I was thinking about this on my walk and sort of laughing and cringing at the same time. I still do it, but I'm more aware of it. That'll have to do for now.

Yesterday I woke up tired, went to work, dragged myself around at work and then went to physio. Went to pick up Lucy, went home, made dinner, did a couple other things, realized I felt like absolute hell and went to get ready for bed. Matt got home and I said I was afraid I was getting the flu, or possibly experiencing a sudden-onset full-body cancer. He asked what my day was like and I told him. He suggested that maybe I was just having a reaction to physio.

I said "hm, yeah. He pounded on my back and neck and needled my neck and both arms." Matt was like "well, yeah..." and I said "oh, and used the shockwave gun". Matt: "Jesus Christ, so you were punched and stabbed AND shot and you're wondering why your body is mounting a bit of an immune response?"

I'm not putting in a picture which feels unnatural but my fucking pictures keep fucking disappearing from my fucking posts and it's fucking pissing me off. 

I am now in our group chat trading funny German compound words and I can't even remember how this discussion started but I love my friends (omg, it was because I got home and Michael was talking about being in his backyard in a t-shirt worrying about sunburn and global warming and asked if there was a word that meant feeling both happiness and dread and I said probably something German, we have COME FULL CIRCLE, and also wow, my memory is really bad). 


Anonymous said…
Please don't ever stop writing. This was perfect and I wish (SO MUCH) that we could be friends IRL. You keep being you and we'll keep being us and all will work out just as it's supposed to be.
Swistle said…
Oh you should have seen my face when I got to the part about how maybe you shouldn't put that stuff in your blog. Oh my goodness. And then the relief when you got to the part about how SHE is talking about HER blog. Yes yes.
Ditto what Anonymous and Swistle said. I love your posts—the content is immaterial. Which makes it sound like I don’t give a shit what you write about which is sort of true but only in that if a topic has value for you in writing it, I know I will enjoy reading whar you have to say about it.
Ernie said…
I love whatever you write and I am here for you being real and I appreciate your honesty. I am laughing at Matt pointing out that you were shot, punched, etc. I think I would gag if I drank tea the way someone else does. How'd you manage that? I have felt lousy at times when I do not have anything cute and perky and entertaining to blog about. But I agree, it's your blog. Go with your gut.
the queen said…
Same as the above. I especially laughed at “sudden-onset full-body cancer.” Really, I laughed a good deal.
ccr in MA said…
If she wants her blog to be The Good Things Version of Life, let her--I prefer a bit more reality than that. My own blog "philosophy" is to write about whatever I feel like writing about. That's what it's for!
Jenny said…
Post about whatever you want!!! I definitely like a little reality when I read blogs (or a lot of reality, for that matter.). I get why some people want to make their blogs a "happy place," but most of us struggle with insecurity/depression/social anxiety, or any number of issues. It's nice to hear that we're not alone.
I love the story of you telling your neighbor you were 36, ha ha. Yeah, we're all pretty weird!
StephLove said…
I will jump on the bandwagon and say don't change (I mean unless you want to, but don't change because you think you should). It's your voice that's key to the blog.

Pat B said…
What everyone else said above! Even when you post about stuff that’s not that “happy” you still make us laugh. All the blogs I read are unique and different- it would be so boring if they were all the same!
Nicole said…
Sudden onset full-body cancer? Or physio reaction? Who can say?
It is my understanding that there are no outsidely-imposed rules about personal blogs. I certainly hope not, because my blog turned from quirky stories about my family to solely monthly posts about the books I have read. Because since 2017 I could barely manage anything else. And I wanted a public record of the books, because various people would ask me what I am reading.

I am hugely appreciative of your writing style and subject matter. Love your posts on books. And while I am not a librarian, I feel a kinship with librarians.

And there is also full permission to write sentence fragments AND run-on sentences, AND sentences beginning with "And", by the way. I am unanimous in that.
Busy Bee Suz said…
You gotta be YOU! No one would want you any other way.
A few weeks ago I also had sudden onset Full Body cancer. It was a shitty day. I hope you're better today.

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