Good Five for Good Friday

 Didn't quite manage to get this up in time but I have nothing specific for a Saturday, so play along.

1. Enjoying the fact that I am no longer Catholic, so Good Friday doesn't entail a bajillion-hours long and extremely sad mass. Once when I was in first year at McMaster my parents came for Easter and my mom and I were going to the Easter Vigil and this Irish Catholic guy from the other wing of my floor in residence asked if he could come with us. When we walked out of the church three hours later he said "Jesus Christ, I thought I was getting away with the short one!" My mom couldn't stop laughing.

2. It was a busy week where I was out almost every night, which I am way too old and tired for at this point even though it was all fun stuff. There were a number of cool little coincidences, the chief one being that at Trivia on Monday night the musical round included a classical number which we came nowhere close to guessing - it was Pictures at an Exhibition by Mussogorsky. Thursday night I had book club, and the book under discussion was Pictures at a Revolution by Mark Harris, who totally based his title on that piece of music. 

3. We came in second in trivia, which is perfectly fine although Collette is still bitter at the answer she knew but couldn't think of in time - it was something like 'what was the title of the miniseries that won 8 Emmys this year that also figured in this other show that won 10 Emmys'. I knew the 10-Emmy show was The Bear, but didn't know what the miniseries was (complicated by the fact that I kept thinking 'documentary' instead of 'miniseries'). It was Beef. Another one we missed was what kind of chicken was the chicken in Bugs Bunny, something about Livorno Italy, and we knew his name was Foghorn Leghorn but thought that was just his name. Michael said he WAS thinking that Leghorn was also the chicken breed, but he didn't SAY it, which I said was bullshit because if he'd SAID I think he was a Leghorn chicken I would have said, oh, okay, Livorno, Leg-horn-o. So we missed the chicken AND the beef.

4. It was Eve's Arts and Science formal Thursday night, so as promised, here is the outfit we bought in February with The Eve inside it. She did end up wearing the shirt before formal night because they had a party for the musical where the theme was Hamilton (the city where they live) or Hamilton (the musical) and she figured out the shirt worked well for Alexander Hamilton cosplay. 

5. On the subject of trying to do tiny things when I feel like I can't do anything, I walked Lucy yesterday wearing my jacket which is technically a spring jacket but works for me as a fall/winter/spring jacket because it breaks the wind but isn't too warm and has lots of pockets. I've had it for years, and for as long as I've had it it's had the little plastic loop that the price tag was attached to. Every time I put it on I zip it up and think "when I get home I'll cut that off". And then I take it off and don't feel like looking for scissors, so I hang it up with the stupid little plastic loop still on, and the next time I put it on again it destroys my soul a little more.


Bonus pics of Lucy telling me it's time to get off my fat ass and walk her already. 


DaniGirl said…
That little piece of plastic tag thingee: my life in a nutshell. Cutting it off is a ridiculous but profound victory!
Nicole said…
Oooh I love Eve's outfit! It looks great on her!
StephLove said…
Fun dispatch from Eve. When Noah was at school I had to drag details out of him. I'm hoping North will be more forthcoming. Congrats on your second-place trivia victory.
NGS said…
There was a piece of paper that has been sitting on our dining room table for months. It needed to be filed in the credenza upstairs. This gave me the motivation to take it upstairs. Done!
I completely understand the plastic tag thingy. It is indeed a triumph to have handled that.
Busy Bee Suz said…
I'm dying at the little plastic tag thing hanging on for this amount of time. We all have 'something' like that.
I love Eve's outfit; so chic!
Um, did you watch Beef? It was weird, but good.
I know for a fact that Lucy would never say such harsh things to you.

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