Sleepy Wednesday and What's in a Name

 I am having a difficult week and that is okay.

Friends, I saw every hour on the clock last night. Lucy started moving around at four like she was thinking breakfast would be not a bad idea. Usually we tell her to shut the hell up and lie back down, but today I got up and let her out and fed her on the off chance that I might fall asleep and sleep a little past 6 a.m. which is more like her usual breakfast time. Didn't work, but oh well.

Fortunately I'd had one good night's sleep in the last three, so I was able to keep my composure throughout most of the day. I even managed not to giggle outwardly when a grade-six girl came up to me and said "I told Ms. R. that I found some swears in this book I borrowed. I found some more. Can you please tell her, and also I'd like to renew it please." Something along the lines of St. Augustine's prayer "Lord, grant me chastity and celibacy -- but not yet!"?

It's almost the end of NaBloPoMo and I still have a couple of random things I didn't manage to work into posts, so (Some Number) on a Wednesday it is:

Did somebody do a post about names? I have notes for a post about names. My sister and I never particularly liked our names, but I try not to complain because how the heck DOES one name a baby effectively? It's a total crapshoot. Both my kids like their names well enough - Angus Adams turns out to be a "really sick" baseball name, or so say numerous people including a couple of announcers on ESPN when he was at the Little League World Series (they also called him Double A). Then he went to Elmira and the team nicknamed him Beef. So proud. And Eve Adams? Well, MY last name isn't Adams, and I was in labour for sixty hours, that's my excuse for what her high school math teacher called "the whitest name ever". It's also the same name as a Conservative MP, who Eve wrote a really sweet letter to when she was little (ending "from, Eve Adams (me. Not you)."), and got a sweet letter back, and then we realized that Eve Adams was somewhere to the right of Attila the Hun and regretted letting Eve write the letter a little, BUT then there was a headline in the paper that read "Eve Adams told to behave", and come on, that's funny, right?

When they were in high school they were given names that were their first initial and the first four letters of their last name before the @ symbol. This had to be altered in a few notable situations - Emily Boland ended up with Ebola and Maryam Yassin was Myass. 

Completely awkward segue into last summer when we were at our friends' cottage, where you have to walk down a ten-minute switchback trail to the water and then back up, which results in everyone being newly hot and sweaty (and sucking wind to an embarrassing degree) by the time we get back up to the cottage. Someone realized that there is a hose on the lower deck, and thus was born.... The Hose Shower. We put little bottles of shampoo and soap on the railing and people who cared about getting clean before dinner (read: women, sorry for the stereotyping, but here we are) would stop for a refreshing interlude, in which the name was just part of the wonderfulness of the entire phenomenon. "Come on, let's get these hoes showered." "Into the shower, hoes!" 

I know, I know. Some of us have never had a headline warn us to behave, and it shows.


Snorting at the hose/hoes shower. You and your friends sound like the most fun people.

Also snorting at Eve Adams being the whitest name ever. I love your kids' names!

Hoping tonight is better. Those nights where you see every hour are awful, as are the days that follow.
Ernie said…
I was gonna retype that last line, but then - you wrote it, so you already know. Brilliant. I'm suddenly feeling remiss for never having asked my kids if they like their names. I think they do. I hate my name. I'm over it now, but as a kid there was no one with my name. Ever. Plus it could be a boy's name, so that was not fun, especially when I had a boy haircut forever. I laughed at 'the whitest name ever', too. Our last name is pretty solid and fierce and the kids for sure all love that, especially when it comes to sports. Sorry about your sleep issues. I totally get where you're coming from with the one night out of three means you might make it. Same. The brain fog and the shaky insides happens more frequently if I've gone without a decent night sleep in days.

*I put my blog on private to be cautious because of our current situation and other bloggers told me to, which makes me sound like a 5 year old - but I'm not a techie type and I need all the pointers I can get. I'm trying to send invites to readers via email (pending whether or not I can find your email address on your blog), so if it works and you stop by - great. If not, I'm posting these last few days and if people want to read up later, that works too.
Nicole said…
Haha! Hoes.
I like my name but my middle name is pretty dull.
Pat Birnie said…
I’m sorry that you are having so much trouble sleeping - I’ve been there and know how awful it is. And yet you still manage to be hilarious. That cottage looks stunning; love the “hoes” shower. Great friends you have.
NGS said…
Obviously I am not getting enough sleep, either, because it took me a very long time to figure out what was wrong with Myass. *sigh* Please explain every joke in detail because I am sloooow. Fingers crossed for better sleep tonight.
StephLove said…
I love your kids' names. I remember when you first posted an article about Angus's baseball team and I was happy to realize they weren't pseudonyms.

I hope you get a good night's sleep tonight.
That's so funny about the high school assigned names!
San said…
Names can be tricky but I think you picked well :)
And I chuckled about the "hose/hoes" LOL
ccr in MA said…
I'm sorry you're having a tough week, but thank you for this line: "Some of us have never had a headline warn us to behave, and it shows." I laughed!

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