Food and Drunk - DRINK

Hey-yo friends, it is Saturday evening and I am not drunk. I was ready to say I have had zero alcohol tonight, but then our friends texted on their way home from dinner that they wanted to stop by, so I have had zero so far but I would not like to mislead you as to the possibilities.

I have been saying for months that I am going to try one of the recipes that Suzanne posts on a Dinners This Week post. Tonight I finally did - Korean-style pork chops. With Presidents' Choice Butter Sage Sweet Potato Gnocchi, and green peas. They were very good and I will make them again - will probably add a bit more Gochujang.

I baked a buttload of biscuits and scones for various care packages also.

Alright, our friends have departed and I have only had a sip of Collective Arts Orange, Coffee and Cocoa gin that I bought at Duty Free when we went to Ithaca, because Collette and I were curious.

It smelled weird and off-putting. I mixed a little with tonic and it was not good. Then we sipped it straight and that made the complex flavours come through, so we figured we have to play around with mixes more. And possibly avoid smelling it while drinking.

I haven't felt like doing much except flat-pancaking on week-ends lately (apart from the parties), and I haven't put together a meal that looks like a proper meal for so long I can't even tell you. A few weeks ago I went to the doctor to increase the dosage on my antidepressant and, oops, turns out I already had! This was embarrassing and a bit alarming, but the doctor said there was no reason we couldn't increase it again, I just might get some side effects. I had been extremely pleasantly surprised that I hadn't had any so far, since I generally get all the described possible side effects and then some - not just dry mouth, nausea, headaches, but feeling like I'm floating and seeing bugs in my hair and thinking that insects are trying to communicate with me.

I waited until after my parents' birthday weekend away to start the new dose because I didn't want to screw up the week-end. So I've been on the new dose about three weeks now. A friend asked me if I was feeling better earlier this week and I said I thought so but it was maybe too early to tell. But then I went to Winners and the bookstore and Loblaws today, on Saturday, and didn't cry or murder anyone, so not only am I still not having side effects, I think it must be working. 

I read a blog post where someone commented on NaBloPoMo brightening up the dreariness of November (maybe Suzanne? It's all becoming a bit of a lovely blur), and I feel the same, have for years. November is me walking down a dark road, but NaBloPoMo is people with flashlights popping up to walk alongside, and it makes a difference. 

May I offer you a biscuit?


Ernie said…
I'm glad that you can tell your new dose is working because you haven't murdered anyone at the store. Well done.

The food looks amazing. That sure seems like it must make up for not making a proper meal.

Good luck with the drink that you don't want to smell while drinking. Having friends ask if they can stop by sounds so cozy and fun. If anyone did that to us, I'd A) be asleep on the couch, probably, or B) scare them by the state of our house, never to see them again
Suzanne said…
Look at all these delicious treats you made!!! Those biscuits are things of beauty.

Yay for trying those pork chops! Yum!

And yay for friends and doctors who listen and want you to feel better. I’m glad you are in a non teary non murdery place.

The gin sounds extremely, as the kids say, suss. (Am I using that right? I am giving the gin the side eye.) But maybe there is hope for it!
Nicole said…
People with flashlights popping up! What a wonderful thing to say!
Hmm...I don't know about that gin. I am open minded about gin in general, but cocoa?
J said…
I'm glad you're feeling better. I don't suffer from depression,but my husband has occasional bouts, and it's hard. Yesterday he was fine, cheerful, punchy even. Then it was like a cloud came down over him and he was pancake flat for the rest of the day. He had things he had to get done, and he did them, but it was obvious he didn't feel well. I asked him what was wrong, and he said he didn't know. Ugh. I hope he's feeling better today, he's not up yet.

Not sure about that gin...
Denise Nielsen said…
I would like a biscuit. And I’d like to get back to the delightful days of blogging. You constantly inspire me with your posts which inevitably cheer me up! So thank you!
NGS said…
I would 100% like a biscuit. Please deliver.

One of my husband's co-workers fell on a scooter last week and had to get stitches in his head. My husband made a generic offer "to get them anything they need" and I was so disappointed in him. Ask them if they want cookies, I begged. Tell them I will bring them cookies! My husband refused, so I texted the Stitches Guy myself and now I'm making cookies. And that is honestly the most productive thing I've done all weekend, so I am with you entirely on the just pancaking all weekend long.
StephLove said…
I'm glad the new dose seems to be helping. Just in time for the darker time of the year.
Elisabeth said…
I want some of those biscuits AND those pork chops, yum.

Yay for doctors and meds and the right doses.

And goodness, this gave me all the warm feels: "November is me walking down a dark road, but NaBloPoMo is people with flashlights popping up to walk alongside, and it makes a difference. "

Yes!! I feel this way, in general, about blogging. It really is an incredible community and it DOES make me life happier and better.
Sarah said…
People popping up with flashlights-- I LOVE THIS.
I am sorry you are struggling during November. But it is wonderful when meds start to work, doesn't it. And no side effects what a lottery win.
I would like a biscuit. They look delicious.
San said…
I am so sorry you're struggling with depression, but I know for many the darker season poses an extra challenge. I am glad you were able to up the dose and that the NaBloPoMo flashlights are helping too :) It's been such a delight to get to know you.
I'd also gladly have one of those scones/biscuits! :)

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