NaBloPoMo Day...13?

Oops, I forgot to post. I will say this, Susan from the Pacific Northwest is a bloody genius (I promise I will just call you Susan after this).

Look at my brilliant new light bulb! Excuse the messy table, I am still sorting through stuff, which I can do effectively now because of my brilliant new lightbulb!

Also, my brilliant, hilarious niece who often texts me random brilliant, hilarious thoughts, sent me this:


This is the week I'm going to start on my shelves - a few years ago I got rid of all my CDs except for my Christmas ones, and now I wonder if I still need those...I mean, everything is on Spotify so...
StephLove said…
Our dining room table is a clutter magnet and has that much stuff on it on a regular basis. We just push it to the sides to eat.
Ally Bean said…
Our kitchen table collects everything. I try to not let it happen, but it does. I try to not shine too much light on, truth be known.
I'm so glad the new light bulb solved your problem. And you can keep calling me Susan from the Pacific Northwest, because I do love living here!!!
Suzanne said…
My kitchen table is Craft Central for my daughter and the dining room table is where my husband sets up 2,000 piece puzzles for months on end. I do love your light fixture!

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