Recipes and Answers

This is the recipe we used for the grilled naan: We followed it exactly, but putting it on the grill butter-side down and then buttering the other side was a bit cumbersome and interfered with closing the lid and getting the temperature hot enough, and when I thought about it afterwards, there's really no reason not to butter both sides before bringing it out to the grill, which would make the whole process more efficient.

This is the recipe for the soft pretzel bites: Unfortunately it doesn't help Nicole because it's not vegan - is there vegan Greek yogurt? Hey, it looks like there is!

Tudor's comment is funny because I thought "oh, right, this time I knew to google "Weight Watchers dough pretzel recipe" but the first time I found it I didn't, so how did I find it? Also, the same thing happened to me a few years ago with a brownie recipe, where it wanted me to use six exotic ingredients and do a dance under the midnight sky or something, and when I complained about it online everyone was like "oh honey, brownies are supposed to be easy". Clearly the internet just fucks with us sometimes.

I'm trying to remember what we were doing while baking the pretzels (and listening to Hamilton) when Eve said "oh, I shouldn't do that. That's a recipe for disaster". And then she fell over laughing at her own brilliance because we were following an ACTUAL recipe.

I'm struggling with paint colour decisions again, which is kind of dumb because the amount of crap that we'd have to move in order to access the walls in question means that it's probably not happening any time soon, but it's still bugging me. When we moved in here I was of the firm conviction that I would not live surrounded by white walls, so we painted the family room blue (it was okay, would have been better if it was darker), the kitchen yellow (a perfectly nice yellow, I'm just tired of it), the short hall to the living room and the actual living room a sort of orangey terra cotta (also fine, just tired of it) and the entrance kelly green (a frigging disaster, what the entire froggy fuck was I thinking? It literally matched Angus's ugly green uniform when he played for East Nepean Little League, and I love ENLL but not enough to paint my walls in homage).

We repainted the family room a nice darkish neutral brown, and I have no clue why we didn't extend that to the kitchen, because the walls literally flow into each other and the yellow looks weird next to the brown. My plan is probably to paint the kitchen the same brown, or close, because I don't remember what exact colour the family room is, then maybe also the living room, and paint one side of the hall eggplant, which I always love when I see it on a wall. But then I don't know what to do with the entrance. And I also really like a yellowy-apply-green for the entrance (we have part of the downstairs and Angus's room painted that colour and I've never gotten tired of it, I love it), but then what do I do with the hallway wall?

I will post pictures of the wall colours tomorrow when I'm less lazy (I just moved a bunch of shit around to get ready for a couch delivery tomorrow which I'm trying not to get too excited about because I don't really believe it's going to happen, and it's a million degrees and ninety percent humidity and I am tired and sweaty even with the AC on and three fans going, thank-you perimenopause) in case anyone wants to weigh in on what colour I should theoretically paint my house if we ever manage to get that far.

Oh, and the Sex Ed I Am Spartacus with vaginas episode is Season One Episode Five.


Oooh paint colours. I love love love thinking about paint colours but damn if painting in a room full of furniture isn't the worst. The worst. Moving everything, washing the walls...but it's great to have it done. Hmmm. Maybe I can paint the bathroom. Nothing to move...

I love the idea of those bites but - and I know you can relate to this - when you read the recipe there are more than two ingredients. What the what, you guys. I don't know why I'm getting hung up on that but there you are. I mean, I'm not going to make them anyway because vegan Greek yogurt is the saddest thing you can ever imagine. It is almost as sad as rice milk ice cream, it tastes like sadness and giving up.
StephLove said…
We had two rooms of our house painted when Noah was four and we were out town for a week. I still like the colors and I've known ever since what colors I'd like for the living room, dining room, and kitchen (all currently a bland shade of tan-- is there any other kind of tan?). But it never seems like a good time for the work of moving stuff and the expense.
Ernie said…
My parents painted their walls ions ago and my mom was so pleased with herself because she decided to NOT just do off white walls. I came over and I was like "Huh?" - I thought the family room was still off white. Turns out it was the lightest shade of celery, only obvious in certain light though. It cracked me up. Mom, living on the edge. I am terrible with paint colors. Officially the worst. I see something on the little tiny cards and I decide 'Yes, this will work' and it almost always turns out terrible. I really like the color of my laundry room. It is a bluish-gray. Never tire of it. I have a blue accent wall in my family room that I love and a teal wall in my living room. I think what I am saying is that I am a 'blue' person. Still, I now know I must ask experts for advice, several of them, before I jump in and choose.
Busy Bee Suz said…
We repainted all the interior walls a few years ago; choosing colors is daunting. I think we only have 3 different colors in the entire house. But it took me about 49 sample jars to choose those three.

I'm gonna try the pretzel bites even though it's more than two ingredients. effing internet liars!

I've said it before and I'll say it again; EVE is hilarious!

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