My Life is Awesome

This was our annual weekend trip to Collette's dad's cottage, six of us, about an hour away from Ottawa. I'd say we've been doing it for about ten years. We leave Saturday morning, drive to the cottage and drop our stuff, do lunch and Christmas shopping in Newboro and Westport and then go back to the cottage for Susanne's amazing seafood fondue, drinks and games.

Some thoughts I had this time:

-It is strange driving the route that takes us right past the turnoff to where Matt's Nana and Grandpa used to live and we used to visit regularly. They haven't lived there for years now and we've lost them both, but I can drive the route without even thinking about it.

-I have been bitter (if you hadn't noticed) that the snow came so early this year, but the roads are clear now and the driving though the snow-covered fields and trees was very beautiful - I feel like there is maybe a lesson here, one that I'm trying very hard not to learn.

-If you are told that three hockey teams just left the restaurant and it will be at least an hour before you get your food, that will sound like a really long time. If you order five-dollar Caesars and talk with your five girlfriends, that time will fly by.

-Don't get fries for lunch. Wait, no, fuck it, get fries for lunch.

-Who can I buy these adorable bird coasters for?

-I'm sad that I have no one that wants unicorn stuff anymore.

-When you're playing Heads Up, holding your phone on your forehead, and one person is saying "oh fuck, that's a really hard one" and two people are laughing too hard to speak and two people are trying to give you different clues at the same time, it's really hard to figure out that the answer is Geraldo Rivera.

-It is likewise very difficult to act and/or sound like a newt (see previous).

-Toucan Sam likes Froot Loops, not Cheerios, COLLETTE.

-Janet's pajamas are adorable.

-It's really nice of Cynthia to make the trip from Cambridge even though someone always makes fun of her gluten-free pizza.

-I can't eat any more. Ha ha, jk, I can totally eat more.

-Margot's laugh is even cuter when she's had a double shot of tequila.

-I can't sleep.

-Wow, my hair looks really bad.

-My feet hurt, my back hurts and I'm exhausted. Totally worth it.


StephLove said…
That does sound awesome.
Ernie said…
I do not begrudge you the grouchiness about snow. At all.
Overall sounds like someone had a fun weekend. I do not have a group thst gets together like this. I envision inviting a hodge podge group to go away for the weekend but in my imagination it always looking a lot like Bridesmaids.

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