Day 20

I have been on fire for remembering things that I typically forget this week. The vest I wanted to wear with my dress that I usually leave hanging on the back of my bedroom door? Remembered it. The library book that I wanted to take and read on my lunch break that I usually forget on my bedside table? Remembered it. The Christmas stamps that I usually forget to buy until the post office is sold out? Remembered to buy them.

Then today I looked down at my chest and one of my boobs looked really weirdly shaped and I thought I had tucked something into my bra and forgotten about it. But I hadn't. My boob was just that weird-looking all on its own. 

The universe giveth and the universe taketh away. 


D said…
Just popping in from Texas to say I love you. So happy to see you blogging, enjoy your honesty and your humor. Librarians for the win!
D said…
Just popping in from Texas to say I love you. So happy to see you blogging, enjoy your honesty and your humor. Librarians for the win!
Bibliomama said…
Thank-you, D! So appreciated!
Ernie said…
Ha ha ha!!! Too funny. I love when my memory pretends to be fully intact. Just yesterday I ran to Costco. I remembered to buy toilet paper even though it was not on my list. We were dangerously low and that would have just ticked me off!

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