IN YOUR FACE, November.

When we were at Sandbanks this summer, we rotated campsites for dinner. The night it was at our campsite, I offered to walk Collette next door to her campsite with a flashlight at the end of the night since she didn't have one. We went to the comfort station together, then we got to my campsite and she said "I'll be fine getting to mine". So I turned away with the flashlight, she walked three or four steps and said "HOLY CRAP, get back over here, it's WAY too dark." I thought this was hilarious.

Back at the beginning of November when I was starting NaBloPoMo, and trying to wean off my antidepressant, I felt sort of the same way - like I'd set off without a light and I'd completely forgotten how dark the dark was.

So this is a most fervent and heartfelt thanks to everyone who stopped by this month and walked with me for a bit. Nicole and Hannah, the best computer friends a girl could ask for; Mary Lynn and Julie - World Trivia Night is not quite as awesome without you; Clara, who once sent me a springtime card that was exactly like a ray of sunshine in paper form; Sarah, who decided to stick with quality over quantity AND I'M FINE WITH THAT; Brandy who I met at Blissdom; Laureen who is indeed very kind; Courtney, my book blogger bestie; Shan, who always makes me smile; Jodi, the first person I met through NaBloPoMo who I'm certain that I will keep; Jenny who lives a life I can't even imagine, but I'm enjoying the experience of trying; Pam, who is so nice to me even though I'm often a whiny drag; Collette, without whom my life would be so much less filled with laughter (often inappropriate) and hang-overs; Steph, who I think may have commented every freaking day again, meaning I owe a Starbucks card and a serious catch-up with her blog; Amy who is so buried in obligations right now I can't believe she found time to read a single post; Maggie, who fairly often knows the exact right thing that I need to hear; Lynn, the very first blog friend I met in real life; Alex, who made my first dinner at Blissdom this year SO MUCH FUN; Shoshana, who I'm going to call next time I get lost looking for the mall; Magpie - funny, acerbic and wise, and the only one I can send a picture of a sinking building to who really gets it; The Queen, who makes me laugh at things that should not be funny; Swistle, whose luckiness/suckiness tagline I have stolen shamelessly; Laurel, my favourite stalker with whom I will now go to empty movie theatres in the middle of the day; Sasha, who I need to get my ass over to visit while she's convalescing; Alison, who I need to get my ass over to have a drink with WHY IS IT SO HARD TO SEE PEOPLE MORE THAN ONCE EVERY SIX MONTHS?; Alexandra who comments on my blog every now and then, probably because she knows it gives me a little fangirl freak-out fun; another Jenny, sister in self-loathing and hating decision-making; Di, Eve's Crazy Greek Way-More-Fun Other Mother; Helen - miss you!; and Sarah and Zarah - because I always know they're reading.

Thank-you to all of you for being my flashlight this month.


Lynn said…
Aw, this is just so charming and such a lovely way to finish out the month! It's been a good November, blog wise :).
Shan said…
You always make me smile! In a perfect world, you would live just up the street!
Sarah McCormack said…
have loved reading all these blog posts A! sorry I left so few comments.. busy month all around! but i'll miss you daily posts!
S said…
Hah! You made me smile more than once this month...
clara said…
You win November! And we all win November too because thirty of your funny, honest, illuminating posts is a splendid thing. You're quite a flashlight yourself, there, Bibiliomama.
Mary Lynn said…

Haven't comment nearly so often as I've read (I find it so hard to comment on my phone!) but I've very much enjoyed following along this month. Well done! It ain't easy posting every day!
Hannah said…
Tried commenting on my phone and comment disappeared and WHY MUST YOU MOCK ME, EMPTY COMMENT BOX.

Anyway, congratulations on finishing, and I pink puffy heart you, XOXO.
StephLove said…
Congrats on finishing. I think I probably missed commenting a few, but I could never blog 30 times in a month. I rarely do it more than three times, so commenting is the only way I'm likely to participate in this annual festival.

And Clara has it right. You are a flashlight.
Julie Leclair said…
i'll be a giant lighthouse if you ever need. xoxo
slow panic said…
So glad I found you! You rocked NaBloPoMo!

Jenny said…
You are too sweet! Congrats on a fantastic November!
Nicole said…
I'll be your flashlight any time! I love November because I know you'll post every day and it gives me something to look forward to! xoxo
Pam said…
Ya! What they all said! Big squishy hugs to you and thanks for kicking November's butt for us all. You are awesome, as always.
Maggie said…
Your posts made my November better too!!
Dimitra said…
Even though I don't post a comment as often as I should, the first thing I look forward to in my inbox is your blog! Thank you for being a ray of light for us, and allowing us to start our days with a true smile that only YOUR humour can achieve! Love you tons YOU-ARE-A-FUN-MOM-TOO!
Helen Abbott said…
OK I commented the other day from my iPad and it done went & disappeared on me. It was witty, moving, charming, and obviously forgettable because I can't remember it. But it was something about how great the image of the campsite is and how we should all say "Holy crap, I didn't know how dark it was, get back here" to each other more often.

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