I went in to the school library
on Tuesday to shelve books, as usual. I also helped the library tech staple
Book Fair flyers, with the help of an absolutely charming 6th grader
named Anna. She told us at length about some of her favourite books, including Rules,
Out of My Mind and Wintergirls (“I love books about characters with disabilities
or diseases!” she exclaimed, with completely unabashed sweetness and sincerity.) This
reminded me that I have to tell you, and all my friends and family, and everyone else I meet ever, that you
must not miss reading Wonder.
It’s one of those books where you
keep hearing the hype and you think the book can’t possibly live up to the hype
(similar to how I thought “oh come on, there’s no way The Bloggess’s book will
make me laugh OUT LOUD”, and then my husband stormed downstairs to sleep on the
couch) and then it lives up to the hype and more. For me, anyway – if there’s
one thing we’ve all learned here, I think it’s that different people can love
each other and NOT love the same books, although if I’m totally honest I have
to say that there are people I now think an infinitesimally bit less of now,
but I try not to dwell on it.
It’s a first novel. If I think about that too much, it makes me weep. It’s SO FUCKING GOOD. It’s deeply moving and revelatory without being preachy, it’s beautifully written without being flowery, it’s funny and honest and the characters are wonderful and the way the family deals with things reminds me a lot of the way my family deals with things. I love it. I LOVE it. Katy, the school librarian, let me borrow it from the school library over the summer, and I wanted Eve to read it to, but she didn’t get a chance, which is fine because I’m buying ONE copy at the VERY least.
Read it. Get your kids to read it. If you don't love it, that's fine. Just don't tell me.