We Make Plans and the Baseball Gods Laugh

So this summer Eve has:

Had a pedicure.

Eaten ice cream with Alex and Sophie five days in a row, and we still only managed to get a picture of Sophie with a worm hanging out of her mouth.

Photo-bombed Alex's birthday movie shot with varying levels of success:


Participated in a birthday supper...

and dessert.

Been made to walk unfairly long distances.

Pushed little kids on swings in front of drying beach towels.

...sometimes two at once.

Been present for the deep frying of a spectacular turkey...

.....and avocado slices, also very good...

....and this abomination, which is pancake-battered deep-fried haggis. Eve doesn't recommend it.

Snuggled various little people.

...who seemed to enjoy the experience.

Figured out that she's a thousand times better at rolling the homemade cotton candy than I am. (Seriously. Mine was pathetic.)

Gotten a really embarrassing wetsuit tan line.

Tried kayaking for the first time....

...and been very pleasantly surprised to find out she doesn't suck at it.

Gotten dolled up...

...to see Cirque Du Soleil.

This week she was going to be helping me pack for Sandbanks, where we fake camp every summer but were actually going to take the plunge into REAL camping. But, as many of you know, this is what Angus has been up to this summer:
photo credit: some guy from the Ottawa Citizen

East Nepean Eagles starting pitcher Angus Adams, shown here delivering a pitch at the provincial championships last month, led his team to the Canadian title with a two-hit, nine strikeout performance against White Rock.

photo credit: Rhonda Legault

photo credit: Rhonda Legault

photo credit: Rhonda Legault

photo credit: Rhonda Legault

photo credit: Mark Keeping (I think)

So instead we're packing for the Little League World Series.

Anybody want to borrow a brand new tent?


Shan said…
It all seems pretty fantastic to me
Sarah McCormack said…
so exciting for him.. and all of you!!!!!!!!!!! and Eve looks like she has had a great summer too :) how did you guys like Cirque??
Nicole said…
So excited for him. I'll be thinking about you guys! Also loved the Eve updates. She's so adorable, that kid!
Julie said…
looks like a pretty freakin' awesome way to end an awesome summer!
WORLD SERIES!!! EEEEEEE! A great way to cap off what looks like a good summer.
Patti said…
You obviously have a talent for making limoncello out of the lemons handed to you by the capricious gods of baseball. Well done. We too went to Cirque de Soleil and loved it.
Patti said…
I don't want to be a complete sourpuss about baseball. I want to say, "Well done, Angus!" He is quite the athlete.
Pam said…
Amazing summer for you all. Love the Eve pics, congrats to Angus and huge hugs to you. Several purple martinis will be required to catch up in a week or two. The tent will wait.
Ms. G said…
Tell "Big Man" I said Good Game and that's okay cause HOME RUN BABY!!!!!!I was yelling Go Angus! at me TV. Did he hear it? ; )
Good Luck in the next go round guys : )
Ms. G said…
P.S. Tell Eve Good Job too! First time I kayaked I couldn't remember how to stop and crashed into a pontoon boat full of tourists: )
StephLove said…
What a full summer for everyone.

Angus looks so big, compared to my boy, who's only a year younger (he's 5' 1'', quickly catching up to his mothers who are one and three inches taller, for now). But my guess is Angus has been taller than you for a while.

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