Book Stuff
I think I've mentioned that, after I painstakingly showed my mother all the steps for finding the Ottawa Public Library's website and requesting books she wanted, she decided it would be much more convenient if she could just email me the titles she wanted, and then I could request them, pick them up when they were ready and then return them when she was done. Since she babysits my kids on a regular basis and keeps us in chocolate chip cookies and banana muffins (you know -- the basic necessities), I found it hard to object.

So just to make it official that February has departed with my marbles as well as a good part of my lung function, this happened. I came across a review of The Wife's Tale, by Lori Lansens. I had read one of her other books, and I thought this one looked good, and I also thought my mother would like it, so I planned to request it and give it to her first and then read it myself. Then Eve and I dropped by on the walk home from school and I saw this very book lying on the chair by the front door. I picked it up and she said "Oh yeah, it was great, thanks. I'm done, you can return it." Because I had already taken it out and given it to her. Less than a week ago.
She also gave me back a book that I had just picked off the shelves on the off chance she would like it, since she was between requested material and desperate for a book (she's been a little less hyper-manic since she moved here. A little). I cracked it open last night planning to just read the first few pages and decide whether to continue reading or return it, and it totally hijacked my evening. It's about a fifty-year-old thrice-married woman who teaches at a Catholic high school. She's sarcastic, profane, dry-witted and I was in love with her by page seven. Amusingly enough, when I looked at the reviews, it's a very polarizing book - people either love it (and her) or loathe it (same).
I hope I don't find that I read it and reviewed it a few weeks ago.

So just to make it official that February has departed with my marbles as well as a good part of my lung function, this happened. I came across a review of The Wife's Tale, by Lori Lansens. I had read one of her other books, and I thought this one looked good, and I also thought my mother would like it, so I planned to request it and give it to her first and then read it myself. Then Eve and I dropped by on the walk home from school and I saw this very book lying on the chair by the front door. I picked it up and she said "Oh yeah, it was great, thanks. I'm done, you can return it." Because I had already taken it out and given it to her. Less than a week ago.
She also gave me back a book that I had just picked off the shelves on the off chance she would like it, since she was between requested material and desperate for a book (she's been a little less hyper-manic since she moved here. A little). I cracked it open last night planning to just read the first few pages and decide whether to continue reading or return it, and it totally hijacked my evening. It's about a fifty-year-old thrice-married woman who teaches at a Catholic high school. She's sarcastic, profane, dry-witted and I was in love with her by page seven. Amusingly enough, when I looked at the reviews, it's a very polarizing book - people either love it (and her) or loathe it (same).
I hope I don't find that I read it and reviewed it a few weeks ago.

I love the online library system.
I ordered The Wife's Tale, and very pleased to see that I'm ONLY 15th in line.
Thanks for your great comment on my blog. You are so right. I felt crappy. And now I don't. I sometimes wonder why I blog, then today happens, and I'm sucked right back into the vortex of love and happiness.
I will request that from my library. As soon as I pay off my fines.
You know what would be super convenient...